Public symbols in (6.2.0-MeeGo 1.2 Core) on x86
Total: 384

namespace FLAC::Decoder
File::File [in-charge] ( )
File::File [not-in-charge] ( )
File::init char const* filename )
File::init FILE* file )
File::init std::string const& filename )
File::init_ogg char const* filename )
File::init_ogg FILE* file )
File::init_ogg std::string const& filename )
File::read_callback ( FLAC__byte* buffer, size_t* bytes )
File::~File [in-charge-deleting] ( )
File::~File [in-charge] ( )
File::~File [not-in-charge] ( )
Stream::eof_callback ( )
Stream::eof_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamDecoder const* decoder, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::error_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamDecoder const* decoder, FLAC__StreamDecoderErrorStatus status, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::finish ( )
Stream::flush ( )
Stream::get_bits_per_sample ( ) const
Stream::get_blocksize ( ) const
Stream::get_channel_assignment ( ) const
Stream::get_channels ( ) const
Stream::get_decode_position FLAC__uint64* position ) const
Stream::get_md5_checking ( ) const
Stream::get_sample_rate ( ) const
Stream::get_state ( ) const
Stream::get_total_samples ( ) const
Stream::init ( )
Stream::init_ogg ( )
Stream::is_valid ( ) const
Stream::length_callback FLAC__uint64* stream_length )
Stream::length_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamDecoder const* decoder, FLAC__uint64* stream_length, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::metadata_callback FLAC__StreamMetadata const* metadata )
Stream::metadata_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamDecoder const* decoder, FLAC__StreamMetadata const* metadata, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::process_single ( )
Stream::process_until_end_of_metadata ( )
Stream::process_until_end_of_stream ( )
Stream::read_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamDecoder const* decoder, FLAC__byte* buffer, size_t* bytes, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::reset ( )
Stream::seek_absolute FLAC__uint64 sample )
Stream::seek_callback FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset )
Stream::seek_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamDecoder const* decoder, FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::set_md5_checking bool value )
Stream::set_metadata_ignore FLAC__MetadataType type )
Stream::set_metadata_ignore_all ( )
Stream::set_metadata_ignore_application FLAC__byte const* id )
Stream::set_metadata_respond FLAC__MetadataType type )
Stream::set_metadata_respond_all ( )
Stream::set_metadata_respond_application FLAC__byte const* id )
Stream::set_ogg_serial_number long value )
Stream::skip_single_frame ( )
Stream::Stream [in-charge] ( )
Stream::Stream [not-in-charge] ( )
Stream::tell_callback FLAC__uint64* absolute_byte_offset )
Stream::tell_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamDecoder const* decoder, FLAC__uint64* absolute_byte_offset, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::write_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamDecoder const* decoder, FLAC__Frame const* frame, FLAC__int32 const*const* buffer, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::~Stream [in-charge-deleting] ( )
Stream::~Stream [in-charge] ( )
Stream::~Stream [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace FLAC::Encoder
File::File [in-charge] ( )
File::File [not-in-charge] ( )
File::init char const* filename )
File::init FILE* file )
File::init std::string const& filename )
File::init_ogg char const* filename )
File::init_ogg FILE* file )
File::init_ogg std::string const& filename )
File::progress_callback ( FLAC__uint64 bytes_written, FLAC__uint64 samples_written, unsigned int frames_written, unsigned int total_frames_estimate )
File::progress_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamEncoder const* encoder, FLAC__uint64 bytes_written, FLAC__uint64 samples_written, unsigned int frames_written, unsigned int total_frames_estimate, void* client_data ) [static]
File::write_callback ( FLAC__byte const* buffer, size_t bytes, unsigned int samples, unsigned int current_frame )
File::~File [in-charge-deleting] ( )
File::~File [in-charge] ( )
File::~File [not-in-charge] ( )
Stream::finish ( )
Stream::get_bits_per_sample ( ) const
Stream::get_blocksize ( ) const
Stream::get_channels ( ) const
Stream::get_do_escape_coding ( ) const
Stream::get_do_exhaustive_model_search ( ) const
Stream::get_do_mid_side_stereo ( ) const
Stream::get_do_qlp_coeff_prec_search ( ) const
Stream::get_loose_mid_side_stereo ( ) const
Stream::get_max_lpc_order ( ) const
Stream::get_max_residual_partition_order ( ) const
Stream::get_min_residual_partition_order ( ) const
Stream::get_qlp_coeff_precision ( ) const
Stream::get_rice_parameter_search_dist ( ) const
Stream::get_sample_rate ( ) const
Stream::get_state ( ) const
Stream::get_streamable_subset ( ) const
Stream::get_total_samples_estimate ( ) const
Stream::get_verify ( ) const
Stream::get_verify_decoder_error_stats ( FLAC__uint64* absolute_sample, unsigned int* frame_number, unsigned int* channel, unsigned int* sample, FLAC__int32* expected, FLAC__int32* got )
Stream::get_verify_decoder_state ( ) const
Stream::init ( )
Stream::init_ogg ( )
Stream::is_valid ( ) const
Stream::metadata_callback FLAC__StreamMetadata const* metadata )
Stream::metadata_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamEncoder const* encoder, FLAC__StreamMetadata const* metadata, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::process ( FLAC__int32 const*const* buffer, unsigned int samples )
Stream::process_interleaved ( FLAC__int32 const* buffer, unsigned int samples )
Stream::read_callback ( FLAC__byte* buffer, size_t* bytes )
Stream::read_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamEncoder const* encoder, FLAC__byte* buffer, size_t* bytes, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::seek_callback FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset )
Stream::seek_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamEncoder const* encoder, FLAC__uint64 absolute_byte_offset, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::set_apodization char const* specification )
Stream::set_bits_per_sample unsigned int value )
Stream::set_blocksize unsigned int value )
Stream::set_channels unsigned int value )
Stream::set_compression_level unsigned int value )
Stream::set_do_escape_coding bool value )
Stream::set_do_exhaustive_model_search bool value )
Stream::set_do_mid_side_stereo bool value )
Stream::set_do_qlp_coeff_prec_search bool value )
Stream::set_loose_mid_side_stereo bool value )
Stream::set_max_lpc_order unsigned int value )
Stream::set_max_residual_partition_order unsigned int value )
Stream::set_metadata ( FLAC::Metadata::Prototype** metadata, unsigned int num_blocks )
Stream::set_metadata ( FLAC__StreamMetadata** metadata, unsigned int num_blocks )
Stream::set_min_residual_partition_order unsigned int value )
Stream::set_ogg_serial_number long value )
Stream::set_qlp_coeff_precision unsigned int value )
Stream::set_rice_parameter_search_dist unsigned int value )
Stream::set_sample_rate unsigned int value )
Stream::set_streamable_subset bool value )
Stream::set_total_samples_estimate FLAC__uint64 value )
Stream::set_verify bool value )
Stream::Stream [in-charge] ( )
Stream::Stream [not-in-charge] ( )
Stream::tell_callback FLAC__uint64* absolute_byte_offset )
Stream::tell_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamEncoder const* encoder, FLAC__uint64* absolute_byte_offset, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::write_callback_ ( FLAC__StreamEncoder const* encoder, FLAC__byte const* buffer, size_t bytes, unsigned int samples, unsigned int current_frame, void* client_data ) [static]
Stream::~Stream [in-charge-deleting] ( )
Stream::~Stream [in-charge] ( )
Stream::~Stream [not-in-charge] ( )

namespace FLAC::Metadata
Application::Application [in-charge] ( )
Application::Application [not-in-charge] ( )
Application::get_data ( ) const
Application::get_id ( ) const
Application::set_data ( FLAC__byte const* data, unsigned int length )
Application::set_data ( FLAC__byte* data, unsigned int length, bool copy )
Application::set_id FLAC__byte const* value )
Application::~Application [in-charge-deleting] ( )
Application::~Application [in-charge] ( )
Application::~Application [not-in-charge] ( )
Chain::Chain [in-charge] ( )
Chain::Chain [not-in-charge] ( )
Chain::check_if_tempfile_needed bool use_padding )
Chain::clear ( )
Chain::is_valid ( ) const
Chain::merge_padding ( )
Chain::read ( char const* filename, bool is_ogg )
Chain::read ( FLAC__IOHandle handle, FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks, bool is_ogg )
Chain::sort_padding ( )
Chain::status ( )
Chain::write ( bool use_padding, bool preserve_file_stats )
Chain::write ( bool use_padding, FLAC__IOHandle handle, FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks )
Chain::write ( bool use_padding, FLAC__IOHandle handle, FLAC__IOCallbacks callbacks, FLAC__IOHandle temp_handle, FLAC__IOCallbacks temp_callbacks )
Chain::~Chain [in-charge-deleting] ( )
Chain::~Chain [in-charge] ( )
Chain::~Chain [not-in-charge] ( )
clone Prototype const* p1 )
CueSheet::calculate_cddb_id ( ) const
CueSheet::CueSheet [in-charge] ( )
CueSheet::CueSheet [not-in-charge] ( )
CueSheet::delete_index ( unsigned int track_num, unsigned int index_num )
CueSheet::delete_track unsigned int i )
CueSheet::get_is_cd ( ) const
CueSheet::get_lead_in ( ) const
CueSheet::get_media_catalog_number ( ) const
CueSheet::get_num_tracks ( ) const
CueSheet::get_track unsigned int i ) const
CueSheet::insert_index ( unsigned int track_num, unsigned int index_num, FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Index const& index )
CueSheet::insert_track unsigned int i, CueSheet::Track const& track )
CueSheet::is_legal ( bool check_cd_da_subset, char const** violation ) const
CueSheet::set_index ( unsigned int track_num, unsigned int index_num, FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Index const& index )
CueSheet::set_is_cd bool value )
CueSheet::set_lead_in FLAC__uint64 value )
CueSheet::set_media_catalog_number char const* value )
CueSheet::set_track unsigned int i, CueSheet::Track const& track )
CueSheet::Track::get_index unsigned int i ) const
CueSheet::Track::is_valid ( ) const
CueSheet::Track::operator= CueSheet::Track const& track )
CueSheet::Track::set_index unsigned int i, FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Index const& index )
CueSheet::Track::set_isrc char const* value )
CueSheet::Track::set_type unsigned int value )
CueSheet::Track::Track [in-charge] ( )
CueSheet::Track::Track [in-charge] CueSheet::Track const& track )
CueSheet::Track::Track [in-charge] FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track const* track )
CueSheet::Track::Track [not-in-charge] ( )
CueSheet::Track::Track [not-in-charge] CueSheet::Track const& track )
CueSheet::Track::Track [not-in-charge] FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track const* track )
CueSheet::Track::~Track [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CueSheet::Track::~Track [in-charge] ( )
CueSheet::Track::~Track [not-in-charge] ( )
CueSheet::~CueSheet [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CueSheet::~CueSheet [in-charge] ( )
CueSheet::~CueSheet [not-in-charge] ( )
get_cuesheet ( char const* filename, CueSheet& cuesheet )
get_cuesheet ( char const* filename, CueSheet*& cuesheet )
get_picture ( char const* filename, Picture& picture, FLAC__StreamMetadata_Picture_Type type, char const* mime_type, FLAC__byte const* description, unsigned int max_width, unsigned int max_height, unsigned int max_depth, unsigned int max_colors )
get_picture ( char const* filename, Picture*& picture, FLAC__StreamMetadata_Picture_Type type, char const* mime_type, FLAC__byte const* description, unsigned int max_width, unsigned int max_height, unsigned int max_depth, unsigned int max_colors )
get_streaminfo ( char const* filename, StreamInfo& streaminfo )
get_tags ( char const* filename, VorbisComment& tags )
get_tags ( char const* filename, VorbisComment*& tags )
Iterator::clear ( )
Iterator::delete_block bool replace_with_padding )
Iterator::get_block ( )
Iterator::get_block_type ( ) const
Iterator::init Chain& chain )
Iterator::insert_block_after Prototype* block )
Iterator::insert_block_before Prototype* block )
Iterator::is_valid ( ) const
Iterator::Iterator [in-charge] ( )
Iterator::Iterator [not-in-charge] ( )
Iterator::next ( )
Iterator::prev ( )
Iterator::set_block Prototype* block )
Iterator::~Iterator [in-charge-deleting] ( )
Iterator::~Iterator [in-charge] ( )
Iterator::~Iterator [not-in-charge] ( )
Padding::Padding [in-charge] ( )
Padding::Padding [not-in-charge] ( )
Padding::set_length unsigned int length )
Padding::~Padding [in-charge-deleting] ( )
Padding::~Padding [in-charge] ( )
Padding::~Padding [not-in-charge] ( )
Picture::get_colors ( ) const
Picture::get_data ( ) const
Picture::get_data_length ( ) const
Picture::get_depth ( ) const
Picture::get_description ( ) const
Picture::get_height ( ) const
Picture::get_mime_type ( ) const
Picture::get_type ( ) const
Picture::get_width ( ) const
Picture::Picture [in-charge] ( )
Picture::Picture [not-in-charge] ( )
Picture::set_colors FLAC__uint32 value ) const
Picture::set_data ( FLAC__byte const* data, FLAC__uint32 data_length )
Picture::set_depth FLAC__uint32 value ) const
Picture::set_description FLAC__byte const* string )
Picture::set_height FLAC__uint32 value ) const
Picture::set_mime_type char const* string )
Picture::set_type FLAC__StreamMetadata_Picture_Type type )
Picture::set_width FLAC__uint32 value ) const
Picture::~Picture [in-charge-deleting] ( )
Picture::~Picture [in-charge] ( )
Picture::~Picture [not-in-charge] ( )
Prototype::assign_object ( FLAC__StreamMetadata* object, bool copy )
Prototype::clear ( )
Prototype::get_is_last ( ) const
Prototype::get_length ( ) const
Prototype::get_type ( ) const
Prototype::operator= Prototype const& p1 )
Prototype::operator= FLAC__StreamMetadata const& p1 )
Prototype::operator= FLAC__StreamMetadata const* p1 )
Prototype::Prototype [in-charge] Prototype const& p1 )
Prototype::Prototype [in-charge] FLAC__StreamMetadata const& p1 )
Prototype::Prototype [in-charge] FLAC__StreamMetadata const* p1 )
Prototype::Prototype [in-charge] ( FLAC__StreamMetadata* object, bool copy )
Prototype::Prototype [not-in-charge] Prototype const& p1 )
Prototype::Prototype [not-in-charge] FLAC__StreamMetadata const& p1 )
Prototype::Prototype [not-in-charge] FLAC__StreamMetadata const* p1 )
Prototype::Prototype [not-in-charge] ( FLAC__StreamMetadata* object, bool copy )
Prototype::set_is_last bool p1 )
Prototype::~Prototype [in-charge-deleting] ( )
Prototype::~Prototype [in-charge] ( )
Prototype::~Prototype [not-in-charge] ( )
SeekTable::delete_point unsigned int index )
SeekTable::get_num_points ( ) const
SeekTable::get_point unsigned int index ) const
SeekTable::insert_point ( unsigned int index, FLAC__StreamMetadata_SeekPoint const& point )
SeekTable::is_legal ( ) const
SeekTable::SeekTable [in-charge] ( )
SeekTable::SeekTable [not-in-charge] ( )
SeekTable::set_point ( unsigned int index, FLAC__StreamMetadata_SeekPoint const& point )
SeekTable::~SeekTable [in-charge-deleting] ( )
SeekTable::~SeekTable [in-charge] ( )
SeekTable::~SeekTable [not-in-charge] ( )
SimpleIterator::clear ( )
SimpleIterator::delete_block bool use_padding )
SimpleIterator::get_application_id FLAC__byte* id )
SimpleIterator::get_block ( )
SimpleIterator::get_block_length ( ) const
SimpleIterator::get_block_offset ( ) const
SimpleIterator::get_block_type ( ) const
SimpleIterator::init ( char const* filename, bool read_only, bool preserve_file_stats )
SimpleIterator::insert_block_after ( Prototype* block, bool use_padding )
SimpleIterator::is_last ( ) const
SimpleIterator::is_valid ( ) const
SimpleIterator::is_writable ( ) const
SimpleIterator::next ( )
SimpleIterator::prev ( )
SimpleIterator::set_block ( Prototype* block, bool use_padding )
SimpleIterator::SimpleIterator [in-charge] ( )
SimpleIterator::SimpleIterator [not-in-charge] ( )
SimpleIterator::status ( )
SimpleIterator::~SimpleIterator [in-charge-deleting] ( )
SimpleIterator::~SimpleIterator [in-charge] ( )
SimpleIterator::~SimpleIterator [not-in-charge] ( )
StreamInfo::get_bits_per_sample ( ) const
StreamInfo::get_channels ( ) const
StreamInfo::get_max_blocksize ( ) const
StreamInfo::get_max_framesize ( ) const
StreamInfo::get_md5sum ( ) const
StreamInfo::get_min_blocksize ( ) const
StreamInfo::get_min_framesize ( ) const
StreamInfo::get_sample_rate ( ) const
StreamInfo::get_total_samples ( ) const
StreamInfo::set_bits_per_sample unsigned int value )
StreamInfo::set_channels unsigned int value )
StreamInfo::set_max_blocksize unsigned int value )
StreamInfo::set_max_framesize unsigned int value )
StreamInfo::set_md5sum FLAC__byte const* value )
StreamInfo::set_min_blocksize unsigned int value )
StreamInfo::set_min_framesize unsigned int value )
StreamInfo::set_sample_rate unsigned int value )
StreamInfo::set_total_samples FLAC__uint64 value )
StreamInfo::StreamInfo [in-charge] ( )
StreamInfo::StreamInfo [not-in-charge] ( )
StreamInfo::~StreamInfo [in-charge-deleting] ( )
StreamInfo::~StreamInfo [in-charge] ( )
StreamInfo::~StreamInfo [not-in-charge] ( )
Unknown::get_data ( ) const
Unknown::set_data ( FLAC__byte const* data, unsigned int length )
Unknown::set_data ( FLAC__byte* data, unsigned int length, bool copy )
Unknown::Unknown [in-charge] ( )
Unknown::Unknown [not-in-charge] ( )
Unknown::~Unknown [in-charge-deleting] ( )
Unknown::~Unknown [in-charge] ( )
Unknown::~Unknown [not-in-charge] ( )
VorbisComment::append_comment VorbisComment::Entry const& entry )
VorbisComment::delete_comment unsigned int index )
VorbisComment::Entry::clear ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::clear_entry ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::clear_field_name ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::clear_field_value ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::compose_field ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::construct char const* field )
VorbisComment::Entry::construct ( char const* field, unsigned int field_length )
VorbisComment::Entry::construct ( char const* field_name, char const* field_value )
VorbisComment::Entry::construct ( char const* field_name, char const* field_value, unsigned int field_value_length )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [in-charge] ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [in-charge] char const* field )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [in-charge] ( char const* field, unsigned int field_length )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [in-charge] ( char const* field_name, char const* field_value )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [in-charge] ( char const* field_name, char const* field_value, unsigned int field_value_length )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [in-charge] VorbisComment::Entry const& entry )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [not-in-charge] ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [not-in-charge] char const* field )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [not-in-charge] ( char const* field, unsigned int field_length )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [not-in-charge] ( char const* field_name, char const* field_value )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [not-in-charge] ( char const* field_name, char const* field_value, unsigned int field_value_length )
VorbisComment::Entry::Entry [not-in-charge] VorbisComment::Entry const& entry )
VorbisComment::Entry::get_entry ( ) const
VorbisComment::Entry::get_field ( ) const
VorbisComment::Entry::get_field_length ( ) const
VorbisComment::Entry::get_field_name ( ) const
VorbisComment::Entry::get_field_name_length ( ) const
VorbisComment::Entry::get_field_value ( ) const
VorbisComment::Entry::get_field_value_length ( ) const
VorbisComment::Entry::is_valid ( ) const
VorbisComment::Entry::operator= VorbisComment::Entry const& entry )
VorbisComment::Entry::parse_field ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::set_field char const* field )
VorbisComment::Entry::set_field ( char const* field, unsigned int field_length )
VorbisComment::Entry::set_field_name char const* field_name )
VorbisComment::Entry::set_field_value char const* field_value )
VorbisComment::Entry::set_field_value ( char const* field_value, unsigned int field_value_length )
VorbisComment::Entry::zero ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::~Entry [in-charge-deleting] ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::~Entry [in-charge] ( )
VorbisComment::Entry::~Entry [not-in-charge] ( )
VorbisComment::get_comment unsigned int index ) const
VorbisComment::get_num_comments ( ) const
VorbisComment::get_vendor_string ( ) const
VorbisComment::insert_comment ( unsigned int index, VorbisComment::Entry const& entry )
VorbisComment::set_comment ( unsigned int index, VorbisComment::Entry const& entry )
VorbisComment::set_vendor_string FLAC__byte const* string )
VorbisComment::VorbisComment [in-charge] ( )
VorbisComment::VorbisComment [not-in-charge] ( )
VorbisComment::~VorbisComment [in-charge-deleting] ( )
VorbisComment::~VorbisComment [in-charge] ( )
VorbisComment::~VorbisComment [not-in-charge] ( )

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Generated on Fri Sep 2 19:30:15 2011 for by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.8  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API