Public symbols in (10.3.1-MeeGo 1.2 Core) on x86
Total: 209

e_address_western_free EAddressWestern* eaw )
e_address_western_parse gchar const* in_address )

e_book_query_and gint nqs, EBookQuery** qs, gboolean unref )
e_book_query_andv EBookQuery* q, ... )
e_book_query_any_field_contains gchar const* value )
e_book_query_copy EBookQuery* q )
e_book_query_field_exists EContactField field )
e_book_query_field_test ( EContactField field, EBookQueryTest test, gchar const* value )
e_book_query_from_string gchar const* query_string )
e_book_query_get_type ( )
e_book_query_not EBookQuery* q, gboolean unref )
e_book_query_or gint nqs, EBookQuery** qs, gboolean unref )
e_book_query_orv EBookQuery* q, ... )
e_book_query_ref EBookQuery* q )
e_book_query_to_string EBookQuery* q )
e_book_query_unref EBookQuery* q )
e_book_query_vcard_field_exists gchar const* field )
e_book_query_vcard_field_test ( gchar const* field, EBookQueryTest test, gchar const* value )

e_book_error_quark ( )

e_book_view_get_book EBookView* book_view )
e_book_view_get_type ( )
e_book_view_start EBookView* book_view )
e_book_view_stop EBookView* book_view )

e_book_add_contact EBook* book, EContact* contact, GError** error )
e_book_add_contact_async EBook* book, EContact* contact, EBookIdAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_add_contact EBook* book, EContact* contact, EBookIdCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_authenticate_user EBook* book, gchar const* user, gchar const* passwd, gchar const* auth_method, EBookCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_commit_contact EBook* book, EContact* contact, EBookCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_get_book_view EBook* book, EBookQuery* query, GList* requested_fields, gint max_results, EBookBookViewCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_get_changes EBook* book, gchar const* changeid, EBookListCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_get_contact EBook* book, gchar const* id, EBookContactCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_get_contacts EBook* book, EBookQuery* query, EBookListCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_get_required_fields EBook* book, EBookEListCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_get_supported_auth_methods EBook* book, EBookEListCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_get_supported_fields EBook* book, EBookEListCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_open EBook* book, gboolean only_if_exists, EBookCallback open_response, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_remove EBook* book, EBookCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_remove_contact EBook* book, EContact* contact, EBookCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_remove_contact_by_id EBook* book, gchar const* id, EBookCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_async_remove_contacts EBook* book, GList* ids, EBookCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_authenticate_user EBook* book, gchar const* user, gchar const* passwd, gchar const* auth_method, GError** error )
e_book_authenticate_user_async EBook* book, gchar const* user, gchar const* passwd, gchar const* auth_method, EBookAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_cancel EBook* book, GError** error )
e_book_cancel_async_op EBook* book, GError** error )
e_book_check_static_capability EBook* book, gchar const* cap )
e_book_commit_contact EBook* book, EContact* contact, GError** error )
e_book_commit_contact_async EBook* book, EContact* contact, EBookAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_free_change_list GList* change_list )
e_book_get_addressbooks ( ESourceList** addressbook_sources, GError** error )
e_book_get_book_view EBook* book, EBookQuery* query, GList* requested_fields, gint max_results, EBookView** book_view, GError** error )
e_book_get_book_view_async EBook* book, EBookQuery* query, GList* requested_fields, gint max_results, EBookBookViewAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_get_changes EBook* book, gchar const* changeid, GList** changes, GError** error )
e_book_get_changes_async EBook* book, gchar const* changeid, EBookListAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_get_contact EBook* book, gchar const* id, EContact** contact, GError** error )
e_book_get_contact_async EBook* book, gchar const* id, EBookContactAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_get_contacts EBook* book, EBookQuery* query, GList** contacts, GError** error )
e_book_get_contacts_async EBook* book, EBookQuery* query, EBookListAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_get_required_fields EBook* book, GList** fields, GError** error )
e_book_get_required_fields_async EBook* book, EBookEListAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_get_self ( EContact** contact, EBook** book, GError** error )
e_book_get_source EBook* book )
e_book_get_static_capabilities EBook* book, GError** error )
e_book_get_supported_auth_methods EBook* book, GList** auth_methods, GError** error )
e_book_get_supported_auth_methods_async EBook* book, EBookEListAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_get_supported_fields EBook* book, GList** fields, GError** error )
e_book_get_supported_fields_async EBook* book, EBookEListAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_get_type ( )
e_book_get_uri EBook* book )
e_book_is_online EBook* book )
e_book_is_opened EBook* book )
e_book_is_self EContact* contact )
e_book_is_writable EBook* book )
e_book_new ESource* source, GError** error )
e_book_new_default_addressbook GError** error )
e_book_new_from_uri ( gchar const* uri, GError** error )
e_book_new_system_addressbook GError** error )
e_book_open EBook* book, gboolean only_if_exists, GError** error )
e_book_open_async EBook* book, gboolean only_if_exists, EBookAsyncCallback open_response, gpointer closure )
e_book_remove EBook* book, GError** error )
e_book_remove_async EBook* book, EBookAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_remove_contact EBook* book, gchar const* id, GError** error )
e_book_remove_contact_async EBook* book, EContact* contact, EBookAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_remove_contact_by_id_async EBook* book, gchar const* id, EBookAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_remove_contacts EBook* book, GList* ids, GError** error )
e_book_remove_contacts_async EBook* book, GList* ids, EBookAsyncCallback cb, gpointer closure )
e_book_set_default_addressbook EBook* book, GError** error )
e_book_set_default_source ESource* source, GError** error )
e_book_set_self EBook* book, EContact* contact, GError** error )

e_contact_address_free EContactAddress* address )
e_contact_address_get_type ( )
e_contact_cert_free EContactCert* cert )
e_contact_cert_get_type ( )
e_contact_date_equal ( EContactDate* dt1, EContactDate* dt2 )
e_contact_date_free EContactDate* date )
e_contact_date_from_string gchar const* str )
e_contact_date_get_type ( )
e_contact_date_new ( )
e_contact_date_to_string EContactDate* dt )
e_contact_duplicate EContact* contact )
e_contact_field_id gchar const* field_name )
e_contact_field_id_from_vcard gchar const* vcard_field )
e_contact_field_name EContactField field_id )
e_contact_geo_free EContactGeo* geo )
e_contact_geo_get_type ( )
e_contact_get ( EContact* contact, EContactField field_id )
e_contact_get_attributes ( EContact* contact, EContactField field_id )
e_contact_get_const ( EContact* contact, EContactField field_id )
e_contact_get_type ( )
e_contact_name_copy EContactName* n )
e_contact_name_free EContactName* name )
e_contact_name_from_string gchar const* name_str )
e_contact_name_get_type ( )
e_contact_name_new ( )
e_contact_name_to_string EContactName const* name )
e_contact_new ( )
e_contact_new_from_vcard gchar const* vcard )
e_contact_photo_free EContactPhoto* photo )
e_contact_photo_get_type ( )
e_contact_pretty_name EContactField field_id )
e_contact_set ( EContact* contact, EContactField field_id, gconstpointer value )
e_contact_set_attributes ( EContact* contact, EContactField field_id, GList* attributes )
e_contact_vcard_attribute EContactField field_id )

e_destination_copy EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_empty EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_equal ( EDestination const* a, EDestination const* b )
e_destination_export EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_export_to_vcard_attribute ( EDestination* dest, EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_destination_exportv EDestination** destv )
e_destination_freev EDestination** destv )
e_destination_get_address EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_get_contact EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_get_contact_uid EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_get_email EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_get_email_num EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_get_html_mail_pref EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_get_name EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_get_source_uid EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_get_textrep ( EDestination const* dest, gboolean include_email )
e_destination_get_textrepv EDestination** destv )
e_destination_get_type ( )
e_destination_import gchar const* str )
e_destination_importv gchar const* str )
e_destination_is_auto_recipient EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_is_evolution_list EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_is_ignored EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_list_get_dests EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_list_show_addresses EDestination const* dest )
e_destination_new ( )
e_destination_set_auto_recipient ( EDestination* dest, gboolean value )
e_destination_set_book ( EDestination* dest, EBook* book )
e_destination_set_contact ( EDestination* dest, EContact* contact, gint email_num )
e_destination_set_contact_uid ( EDestination* dest, gchar const* uid, gint email_num )
e_destination_set_email ( EDestination* dest, gchar const* email )
e_destination_set_html_mail_pref ( EDestination* dest, gboolean flag )
e_destination_set_ignored ( EDestination* dest, gboolean ignored )
e_destination_set_name ( EDestination* dest, gchar const* name )
e_destination_set_raw ( EDestination* dest, gchar const* raw )

e_name_western_free ENameWestern* w )
e_name_western_parse gchar const* full_name )

e_vcard_add_attribute EVCard* evc, EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_add_attribute_with_value EVCard* evcard, EVCardAttribute* attr, gchar const* value )
e_vcard_add_attribute_with_values EVCard* evcard, EVCardAttribute* attr, ... )
e_vcard_append_attribute EVCard* evc, EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_append_attribute_with_value EVCard* evcard, EVCardAttribute* attr, gchar const* value )
e_vcard_append_attribute_with_values EVCard* evcard, EVCardAttribute* attr, ... )
e_vcard_attribute_add_param ( EVCardAttribute* attr, EVCardAttributeParam* param )
e_vcard_attribute_add_param_with_value ( EVCardAttribute* attr, EVCardAttributeParam* param, gchar const* value )
e_vcard_attribute_add_param_with_values ( EVCardAttribute* attr, EVCardAttributeParam* param, ... )
e_vcard_attribute_add_value ( EVCardAttribute* attr, gchar const* value )
e_vcard_attribute_add_value_decoded ( EVCardAttribute* attr, gchar const* value, gint len )
e_vcard_attribute_add_values ( EVCardAttribute* attr, ... )
e_vcard_attribute_copy EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_free EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_get_group EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_get_name EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_get_param ( EVCardAttribute* attr, gchar const* name )
e_vcard_attribute_get_params EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_get_value EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_get_value_decoded EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_get_values EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_get_values_decoded EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_has_type ( EVCardAttribute* attr, gchar const* typestr )
e_vcard_attribute_is_single_valued EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_new ( gchar const* attr_group, gchar const* attr_name )
e_vcard_attribute_param_add_value ( EVCardAttributeParam* param, gchar const* value )
e_vcard_attribute_param_add_values ( EVCardAttributeParam* param, ... )
e_vcard_attribute_param_copy EVCardAttributeParam* param )
e_vcard_attribute_param_free EVCardAttributeParam* param )
e_vcard_attribute_param_get_name EVCardAttributeParam* param )
e_vcard_attribute_param_get_values EVCardAttributeParam* param )
e_vcard_attribute_param_new gchar const* name )
e_vcard_attribute_param_remove_values EVCardAttributeParam* param )
e_vcard_attribute_remove_param ( EVCardAttribute* attr, gchar const* param_name )
e_vcard_attribute_remove_param_value ( EVCardAttribute* attr, gchar const* param_name, gchar const* s )
e_vcard_attribute_remove_params EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_attribute_remove_value ( EVCardAttribute* attr, gchar const* s )
e_vcard_attribute_remove_values EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_construct EVCard* evc, gchar const* str )
e_vcard_dump_structure EVCard* evc )
e_vcard_escape_string gchar const* s )
e_vcard_get_attribute EVCard* evc, gchar const* name )
e_vcard_get_attributes EVCard* evcard )
e_vcard_get_type ( )
e_vcard_new ( )
e_vcard_new_from_string gchar const* str )
e_vcard_remove_attribute EVCard* evc, EVCardAttribute* attr )
e_vcard_remove_attributes EVCard* evc, gchar const* attr_group, gchar const* attr_name )
e_vcard_to_string EVCard* evc, EVCardFormat format )
e_vcard_unescape_string gchar const* s )

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