Public symbols in (8.0.0-MeeGo 1.2 Core) on x86
Total: 142

e_book_backend_cache_add_contact ( EBookBackendCache* cache, EContact* contact )
e_book_backend_cache_check_contact ( EBookBackendCache* cache, gchar const* uid )
e_book_backend_cache_get_contact ( EBookBackendCache* cache, gchar const* uid )
e_book_backend_cache_get_contacts ( EBookBackendCache* cache, gchar const* query )
e_book_backend_cache_get_time EBookBackendCache* cache )
e_book_backend_cache_get_type ( )
e_book_backend_cache_is_populated EBookBackendCache* cache )
e_book_backend_cache_new gchar const* filename )
e_book_backend_cache_remove_contact ( EBookBackendCache* cache, gchar const* uid )
e_book_backend_cache_search ( EBookBackendCache* cache, gchar const* query )
e_book_backend_cache_set_populated EBookBackendCache* cache )
e_book_backend_cache_set_time ( EBookBackendCache* cache, gchar const* t )

e_book_backend_db_cache_add_contact DB* db, EContact* contact )
e_book_backend_db_cache_check_contact DB* db, gchar const* uid )
e_book_backend_db_cache_exists gchar const* uri )
e_book_backend_db_cache_get_contact DB* db, gchar const* uid )
e_book_backend_db_cache_get_contacts DB* db, gchar const* query )
e_book_backend_db_cache_get_filename DB* db )
e_book_backend_db_cache_get_time DB* db )
e_book_backend_db_cache_is_populated DB* db )
e_book_backend_db_cache_remove_contact DB* db, gchar const* uid )
e_book_backend_db_cache_search DB* db, gchar const* query )
e_book_backend_db_cache_set_filename DB* db, gchar const* filename )
e_book_backend_db_cache_set_populated DB* db )
e_book_backend_db_cache_set_time DB* db, gchar const* t )
string_to_dbt ( gchar const* str, DBT* dbt )

e_book_backend_factory_get_protocol EBookBackendFactory* factory )
e_book_backend_factory_get_type ( )
e_book_backend_factory_new_backend EBookBackendFactory* factory )

e_book_backend_sexp_get_type ( )
e_book_backend_sexp_match_contact ( EBookBackendSExp* sexp, EContact* contact )
e_book_backend_sexp_match_vcard ( EBookBackendSExp* sexp, gchar const* vcard )
e_book_backend_sexp_new gchar const* text )

e_book_backend_summary_add_contact ( EBookBackendSummary* summary, EContact* contact )
e_book_backend_summary_check_contact ( EBookBackendSummary* summary, gchar const* id )
e_book_backend_summary_get_summary_vcard ( EBookBackendSummary* summary, gchar const* id )
e_book_backend_summary_get_type ( )
e_book_backend_summary_is_summary_query ( EBookBackendSummary* summary, gchar const* query )
e_book_backend_summary_is_up_to_date ( EBookBackendSummary* summary, time_t t )
e_book_backend_summary_load EBookBackendSummary* summary )
e_book_backend_summary_new ( gchar const* summary_path, gint flush_timeout_millis )
e_book_backend_summary_remove_contact ( EBookBackendSummary* summary, gchar const* id )
e_book_backend_summary_save EBookBackendSummary* summary )
e_book_backend_summary_search ( EBookBackendSummary* summary, gchar const* query )
e_book_backend_summary_touch EBookBackendSummary* summary )

e_book_backend_sync_authenticate_user ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* user, gchar const* passwd, gchar const* auth_method, GError** perror )
e_book_backend_sync_construct EBookBackendSync* backend )
e_book_backend_sync_create_contact ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* vcard, EContact** contact, GError** perror )
e_book_backend_sync_get_changes ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* change_id, GList** changes, GError** perror )
e_book_backend_sync_get_contact ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* id, gchar** vcard, GError** perror )
e_book_backend_sync_get_contact_list ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* query, GList** contacts, GError** perror )
e_book_backend_sync_get_required_fields ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GList** fields, GError** perror )
e_book_backend_sync_get_supported_auth_methods ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GList** methods, GError** perror )
e_book_backend_sync_get_supported_fields ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GList** fields, GError** perror )
e_book_backend_sync_get_type ( )
e_book_backend_sync_modify_contact ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* vcard, EContact** contact, GError** perror )
e_book_backend_sync_remove ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError** perror )
e_book_backend_sync_remove_contacts ( EBookBackendSync* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GList* id_list, GList** removed_ids, GError** perror )

e_book_backend_add_book_view ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBookView* view )
e_book_backend_add_client ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book )
e_book_backend_authenticate_user ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* user, gchar const* passwd, gchar const* auth_method )
e_book_backend_cancel_operation ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, GError** error )
e_book_backend_change_add_new gchar const* vcard )
e_book_backend_change_delete_new gchar const* id )
e_book_backend_change_modify_new gchar const* vcard )
e_book_backend_create_contact ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* vcard )
e_book_backend_get_book_views EBookBackend* backend )
e_book_backend_get_cache_dir EBookBackend* backend )
e_book_backend_get_changes ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* change_id )
e_book_backend_get_contact ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* id )
e_book_backend_get_contact_list ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* query )
e_book_backend_get_required_fields ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid )
e_book_backend_get_source EBookBackend* backend )
e_book_backend_get_static_capabilities EBookBackend* backend )
e_book_backend_get_supported_auth_methods ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid )
e_book_backend_get_supported_fields ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid )
e_book_backend_get_type ( )
e_book_backend_has_out_of_proc_clients EBookBackend* backend )
e_book_backend_is_loaded EBookBackend* backend )
e_book_backend_is_removed EBookBackend* backend )
e_book_backend_is_writable EBookBackend* backend )
e_book_backend_load_source ( EBookBackend* backend, ESource* source, gboolean only_if_exists, GError** error )
e_book_backend_modify_contact ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gchar const* vcard )
e_book_backend_notify_auth_required EBookBackend* backend )
e_book_backend_notify_complete EBookBackend* backend )
e_book_backend_notify_connection_status ( EBookBackend* backend, gboolean is_online )
e_book_backend_notify_remove ( EBookBackend* backend, gchar const* id )
e_book_backend_notify_update ( EBookBackend* backend, EContact* contact )
e_book_backend_notify_writable ( EBookBackend* backend, gboolean is_writable )
e_book_backend_open ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, gboolean only_if_exists )
e_book_backend_remove ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid )
e_book_backend_remove_book_view ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBookView* view )
e_book_backend_remove_client ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book )
e_book_backend_remove_contacts ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GList* id_list )
e_book_backend_set_cache_dir ( EBookBackend* backend, gchar const* cache_dir )
e_book_backend_set_is_loaded ( EBookBackend* backend, gboolean is_loaded )
e_book_backend_set_is_removed ( EBookBackend* backend, gboolean is_removed )
e_book_backend_set_is_writable ( EBookBackend* backend, gboolean is_writable )
e_book_backend_set_mode ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBookMode mode )
e_book_backend_start_book_view ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBookView* view )
e_book_backend_stop_book_view ( EBookBackend* backend, EDataBookView* view )
e_book_backend_sync EBookBackend* backend )

e_data_book_view_get_backend EDataBookView* book_view )
e_data_book_view_get_card_query EDataBookView* book_view )
e_data_book_view_get_card_sexp EDataBookView* book_view )
e_data_book_view_get_max_results EDataBookView* book_view )
e_data_book_view_get_type ( )
e_data_book_view_new EDataBook* book, gchar const* card_query, EBookBackendSExp* card_sexp, gint max_results )
e_data_book_view_notify_complete ( EDataBookView* book_view, GError const* error )
e_data_book_view_notify_remove ( EDataBookView* book_view, gchar const* id )
e_data_book_view_notify_status_message ( EDataBookView* book_view, gchar const* message )
e_data_book_view_notify_update ( EDataBookView* book_view, EContact* contact )
e_data_book_view_notify_update_prefiltered_vcard ( EDataBookView* book_view, gchar const* id, gchar* vcard )
e_data_book_view_notify_update_vcard ( EDataBookView* book_view, gchar* vcard )
e_data_book_view_ref EDataBookView* book_view )
e_data_book_view_register_gdbus_object ( EDataBookView* query, GDBusConnection* connection, gchar const* object_path, GError** error )
e_data_book_view_set_thresholds ( EDataBookView* book_view, gint minimum_grouping_threshold, gint maximum_grouping_threshold )
e_data_book_view_unref EDataBookView* book_view )

e_data_book_create_error ( EDataBookStatus status, gchar const* custom_msg )
e_data_book_create_error_fmt ( EDataBookStatus status, gchar const* custom_msg_fmt, ... )
e_data_book_error_quark ( )
e_data_book_get_backend EDataBook* book )
e_data_book_get_source EDataBook* book )
e_data_book_get_type ( )
e_data_book_new ( EBookBackend* backend, ESource* source )
e_data_book_register_gdbus_object EDataBook* cal, GDBusConnection* connection, gchar const* object_path, GError** error )
e_data_book_report_auth_required EDataBook* book )
e_data_book_report_connection_status EDataBook* book, gboolean is_online )
e_data_book_report_writable EDataBook* book, gboolean writable )
e_data_book_respond_authenticate_user EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error )
e_data_book_respond_create EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error, EContact* contact )
e_data_book_respond_get_changes EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error, GList* changes )
e_data_book_respond_get_contact EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error, gchar const* vcard )
e_data_book_respond_get_contact_list EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error, GList* cards )
e_data_book_respond_get_required_fields EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error, GList* fields )
e_data_book_respond_get_supported_auth_methods EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error, GList* fields )
e_data_book_respond_get_supported_fields EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error, GList* fields )
e_data_book_respond_modify EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error, EContact* contact )
e_data_book_respond_open EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error )
e_data_book_respond_remove EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error )
e_data_book_respond_remove_contacts EDataBook* book, guint32 opid, GError* error, GList* ids )
e_data_book_status_to_string EDataBookStatus status )

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