Public symbols in (0.2000.1-MeeGo 1.2 Core) on x86
Total: 29

gdk_pixbuf_xlib_get_from_drawable GdkPixbuf* dest, Drawable src, Colormap cmap, Visual* visual, int src_x, int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height )
gdk_pixbuf_xlib_init ( Display* display, int screen_num )
gdk_pixbuf_xlib_init_with_depth ( Display* display, int screen_num, int prefDepth )
gdk_pixbuf_xlib_render_pixmap_and_mask ( GdkPixbuf* pixbuf, Pixmap* pixmap_return, Pixmap* mask_return, int alpha_threshold )
gdk_pixbuf_xlib_render_threshold_alpha ( GdkPixbuf* pixbuf, Pixmap bitmap, int src_x, int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height, int alpha_threshold )
gdk_pixbuf_xlib_render_to_drawable ( GdkPixbuf* pixbuf, Drawable drawable, GC gc, int src_x, int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height, XlibRgbDither dither, int x_dither, int y_dither )
gdk_pixbuf_xlib_render_to_drawable_alpha ( GdkPixbuf* pixbuf, Drawable drawable, int src_x, int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height, GdkPixbufAlphaMode alpha_mode, int alpha_threshold, XlibRgbDither dither, int x_dither, int y_dither )

xlib_draw_gray_image ( Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, XlibRgbDither dith, unsigned char* buf, int rowstride )
xlib_draw_indexed_image ( Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, XlibRgbDither dith, unsigned char* buf, int rowstride, XlibRgbCmap* cmap )
xlib_draw_rgb_32_image ( Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, XlibRgbDither dith, unsigned char* buf, int rowstride )
xlib_draw_rgb_image ( Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, XlibRgbDither dith, unsigned char* rgb_buf, int rowstride )
xlib_draw_rgb_image_dithalign ( Drawable drawable, GC gc, int x, int y, int width, int height, XlibRgbDither dith, unsigned char* rgb_buf, int rowstride, int xdith, int ydith )
xlib_rgb_cmap_free XlibRgbCmap* cmap )
xlib_rgb_cmap_new guint32* colors, int n_colors )
xlib_rgb_ditherable ( )
xlib_rgb_gc_set_background GC gc, guint32 rgb )
xlib_rgb_gc_set_foreground GC gc, guint32 rgb )
xlib_rgb_get_cmap ( )
xlib_rgb_get_depth ( )
xlib_rgb_get_display ( )
xlib_rgb_get_screen ( )
xlib_rgb_get_visual ( )
xlib_rgb_get_visual_info ( )
xlib_rgb_init ( Display* display, Screen* screen )
xlib_rgb_init_with_depth ( Display* display, Screen* screen, int prefDepth )
xlib_rgb_set_install int install )
xlib_rgb_set_min_colors int min_colors )
xlib_rgb_set_verbose int verbose )
xlib_rgb_xpixel_from_rgb guint32 rgb )

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