Public symbols in (26.16.13-MeeGo 1.2 Core) on x86
Total: 134

namespace gnutls
anon_client_credentials::~anon_client_credentials [in-charge-deleting] ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
anon_server_credentials::set_dh_params dh_params const& params ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
anon_server_credentials::set_params_function int(*func)(gnutls_session_t, gnutls_params_type_t, gnutls_params_st*) ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
anon_server_credentials::~anon_server_credentials [in-charge-deleting] ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_client_credentials::set_retrieve_function int(*func)(gnutls_session_t, gnutls_datum_t const*, int, gnutls_pk_algorithm_t const*, int, gnutls_retr_st*) ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::free_ca_names ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::free_cas ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::free_crls ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::free_keys ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_dh_params dh_params const& params ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_rsa_export_params rsa_params const& params ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_simple_pkcs12_file ( char const* pkcs12file, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t type, char const* password ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_verify_flags unsigned int flags ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_verify_limits ( unsigned int max_bits, unsigned int max_depth ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_x509_crl ( gnutls_datum_t const& CRL, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t type ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_x509_crl ( gnutls_x509_crl_t* crl_list, int crl_list_size ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_x509_crl_file ( char const* crlfile, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t type ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_x509_key ( gnutls_datum_t const& CERT, gnutls_datum_t const& KEY, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t type ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_x509_key ( gnutls_x509_crt_t* cert_list, int cert_list_size, gnutls_x509_privkey_t key ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_x509_key_file ( char const* certfile, char const* KEYFILE, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t type ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_x509_trust ( gnutls_datum_t const& CA, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t type ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_x509_trust ( gnutls_x509_crt_t* ca_list, int ca_list_size ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::set_x509_trust_file ( char const* cafile, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t type ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_credentials::~certificate_credentials [in-charge-deleting] ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_server_credentials::set_params_function int(*func)(gnutls_session_t, gnutls_params_type_t, gnutls_params_st*) ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
certificate_server_credentials::set_retrieve_function int(*func)(gnutls_session_t, gnutls_retr_st*) ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
client_session::get_request_status ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
client_session::set_server_name ( gnutls_server_name_type_t type, void const* name, size_t name_length ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
client_session::~client_session [in-charge-deleting] ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
credentials::get_type ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
credentials::ptr ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
credentials::set_ptr void* ptr ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
credentials::~credentials [in-charge-deleting] ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
dh_params::export_pkcs3 ( gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t format, unsigned char* params_data, size_t* params_data_size ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
dh_params::export_raw ( gnutls_datum_t& prime, gnutls_datum_t& generator ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
dh_params::generate unsigned int bits ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
dh_params::get_params_t ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
dh_params::import_pkcs3 ( gnutls_datum_t const& pkcs3_params, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t format ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
dh_params::import_raw ( gnutls_datum_t const& prime, gnutls_datum_t const& generator ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
dh_params::operator= dh_params const& src ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
exception::get_code ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
exception::what ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
exception::~exception [in-charge-deleting] ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
psk_client_credentials::set_credentials ( char const* username, gnutls_datum_t const& key, gnutls_psk_key_flags flags ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
psk_client_credentials::set_credentials_function int(*func)(gnutls_session_t, char**, gnutls_datum_t*) ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
psk_client_credentials::~psk_client_credentials [in-charge-deleting] ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
psk_server_credentials::set_credentials_file char const* password_file ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
psk_server_credentials::set_credentials_function int(*func)(gnutls_session_t, char const*, gnutls_datum_t*) ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
psk_server_credentials::set_dh_params dh_params const& params ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
psk_server_credentials::set_params_function int(*func)(gnutls_session_t, gnutls_params_type_t, gnutls_params_st*) ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
psk_server_credentials::~psk_server_credentials [in-charge-deleting] ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
rsa_params::export_pkcs1 ( gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t format, unsigned char* params_data, size_t* params_data_size ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
rsa_params::export_raw ( gnutls_datum_t& m, gnutls_datum_t& e, gnutls_datum_t& d, gnutls_datum_t& p, gnutls_datum_t& q, gnutls_datum_t& u ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
rsa_params::generate unsigned int bits ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
rsa_params::get_params_t ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
rsa_params::import_pkcs1 ( gnutls_datum_t const& pkcs1_params, gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t format ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
rsa_params::import_raw ( gnutls_datum_t const& m, gnutls_datum_t const& e, gnutls_datum_t const& d, gnutls_datum_t const& p, gnutls_datum_t const& q, gnutls_datum_t const& u ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
rsa_params::operator= rsa_params const& src ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
server_session::db_check_entry gnutls_datum_t& session_data ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
server_session::db_remove ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
server_session::get_psk_username ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
server_session::get_server_name void* data, size_t* data_length, unsigned int* type, unsigned int indx ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
server_session::get_srp_username ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
server_session::rehandshake ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
server_session::set_certificate_request gnutls_certificate_request_t p1 ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
server_session::set_db DB const& db ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
server_session::set_db_cache_expiration unsigned int seconds ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
server_session::~server_session [in-charge-deleting] ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::bye gnutls_close_request_t how ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::check_pending ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::clear_credentials ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_alert ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_auth_type ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_certificate_type ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_cipher ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_client_auth_type ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_compression ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_data ( gnutls_session_t session, gnutls_datum_t& data ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_data ( void* session_data, size_t* session_data_size ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_dh_group ( gnutls_datum_t& gen, gnutls_datum_t& prime ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_dh_peers_public_bits ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_dh_prime_bits ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_dh_pubkey gnutls_datum_t& raw_key ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_dh_secret_bits ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_handshake_last_in ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_handshake_last_out ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_id ( void* session_id, size_t* session_id_size ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_kx ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_mac ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_max_size ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_our_certificate gnutls_datum_t& cert ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_peers_certificate ( gnutls_datum_t const** certs, unsigned int* certs_size ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_peers_certificate std::vector<gnutls_datum_t>& out_certs ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_peers_certificate_activation_time ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_peers_certificate_expiration_time ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_protocol_version ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_record_direction ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_rsa_export_modulus_bits ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_rsa_export_pubkey ( gnutls_datum_t& exponent, gnutls_datum_t& modulus ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_server_auth_type ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_transport_ptr ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_transport_ptr ( gnutls_transport_ptr_t& recv_ptr, gnutls_transport_ptr_t& send_ptr ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::get_user_ptr ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::handshake ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::is_resumed ( ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::prf ( size_t label_size, char const* label, int server_random_first, size_t extra_size, char const* extra, size_t outsize, char* out ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::prf_raw ( size_t label_size, char const* label, size_t seed_size, char const* seed, size_t outsize, char* out ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::recv void* data, size_t sizeofdata ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::send ( void const* data, size_t sizeofdata ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::send_alert ( gnutls_alert_level_t level, gnutls_alert_description_t desc ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::send_appropriate_alert int err ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::send_openpgp_cert gnutls_openpgp_crt_status_t status ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_certificate_type_priority int const* list ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_cipher_priority int const* list ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_compression_priority int const* list ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_credentials credentials& cred ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_data ( void const* session_data, size_t session_data_size ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_dh_prime_bits unsigned int bits ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_kx_priority int const* list ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_mac_priority int const* list ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_max_handshake_packet_length size_t max ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_max_size size_t size ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_priority ( char const* prio, char const** err_pos ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_priority gnutls_priority_t p ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_private_extensions bool allow ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_protocol_priority int const* list ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_transport_lowat size_t num ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_transport_ptr gnutls_transport_ptr_t ptr ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_transport_ptr ( gnutls_transport_ptr_t recv_ptr, gnutls_transport_ptr_t send_ptr ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_transport_pull_function gnutls_pull_func pull_func ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_transport_push_function gnutls_push_func push_func ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::set_user_ptr void* ptr ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::verify_peers_certificate unsigned int& status ) const @@ GNUTLS_1_6
session::~session [in-charge-deleting] ( ) @@ GNUTLS_1_6

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Generated on Fri Sep 2 19:30:19 2011 for by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.8  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API