Public symbols in (1.0.0-MeeGo 1.2 Core) on x86
Total: 151

jas_clrspc_numchans int clrspc )
jas_cmprof_copy jas_cmprof_t* prof )
jas_cmprof_createfromclrspc int clrspc )
jas_cmprof_createfromiccprof jas_iccprof_t* iccprof )
jas_cmprof_destroy jas_cmprof_t* prof )
jas_cmxform_apply ( jas_cmxform_t* xform, jas_cmpixmap_t* in, jas_cmpixmap_t* out )
jas_cmxform_create ( jas_cmprof_t* inprof, jas_cmprof_t* outprof, jas_cmprof_t* proofprof, int op, int intent, int optimize )
jas_cmxform_destroy jas_cmxform_t* xform )
jas_iccprof_createfromcmprof jas_cmprof_t* prof )

jas_eprintf char const* fmt, ... )
jas_getdbglevel ( )
jas_memdump FILE* out, void* data, size_t len )
jas_setdbglevel int dbglevel )

jas_getopt int argc, char** argv, jas_opt_t* opts )
jas_optarg [data]
jas_opterr [data]
jas_optind [data]

jas_iccattrtab_dump ( jas_iccattrtab_t* attrtab, FILE* out )
jas_iccattrval_allowmodify jas_iccattrval_t** attrval )
jas_iccattrval_clone jas_iccattrval_t* attrval )
jas_iccattrval_create jas_iccuint32_t type )
jas_iccattrval_destroy jas_iccattrval_t* attrval )
jas_iccattrval_dump ( jas_iccattrval_t* attrval, FILE* out )
jas_iccprof_copy jas_iccprof_t* prof )
jas_iccprof_createfrombuf ( unsigned char* buf, int len )
jas_iccprof_createfromclrspc int clrspc )
jas_iccprof_destroy jas_iccprof_t* prof )
jas_iccprof_dump ( jas_iccprof_t* prof, FILE* out )
jas_iccprof_getattr ( jas_iccprof_t* prof, jas_iccattrname_t name )
jas_iccprof_gethdr ( jas_iccprof_t* prof, jas_icchdr_t* hdr )
jas_iccprof_load jas_stream_t* in )
jas_iccprof_save ( jas_iccprof_t* prof, jas_stream_t* out )
jas_iccprof_setattr ( jas_iccprof_t* prof, jas_iccattrname_t name, jas_iccattrval_t* val )
jas_iccprof_sethdr ( jas_iccprof_t* prof, jas_icchdr_t* hdr )
jas_iccprofdata_sgray [data]
jas_iccprofdata_sgraylen [data]
jas_iccprofdata_srgb [data]
jas_iccprofdata_srgblen [data]

bmp_decode ( jas_stream_t* in, char* optstr )
bmp_encode ( jas_image_t* image, jas_stream_t* out, char* optstr )
bmp_validate jas_stream_t* in )
jas_image_addcmpt ( jas_image_t* image, int cmptno, jas_image_cmptparm_t* cmptparm )
jas_image_addfmt int id, char* name, char* ext, char* desc, jas_image_fmtops_t* ops )
jas_image_chclrspc ( jas_image_t* image, jas_cmprof_t* outprof, int intent )
jas_image_clearfmts ( )
jas_image_copy jas_image_t* image )
jas_image_copycmpt ( jas_image_t* dstimage, int dstcmptno, jas_image_t* srcimage, int srccmptno )
jas_image_create int numcmpts, jas_image_cmptparm_t* cmptparms, jas_clrspc_t clrspc )
jas_image_create0 ( )
jas_image_decode ( jas_stream_t* in, int fmt, char* optstr )
jas_image_delcmpt ( jas_image_t* image, int cmptno )
jas_image_depalettize ( jas_image_t* image, int cmptno, int numlutents, int_fast32_t* lutents, int dtype, int newcmptno )
jas_image_destroy jas_image_t* image )
jas_image_dump ( jas_image_t* image, FILE* out )
jas_image_encode ( jas_image_t* image, jas_stream_t* out, int fmt, char* optstr )
jas_image_fmtfromname char* filename )
jas_image_fmttostr int fmt )
jas_image_getcmptbytype ( jas_image_t* image, int ctype )
jas_image_getfmt jas_stream_t* in )
jas_image_ishomosamp jas_image_t* image )
jas_image_lookupfmtbyid int id )
jas_image_lookupfmtbyname char const* name )
jas_image_rawsize jas_image_t* image )
jas_image_readcmpt ( jas_image_t* image, int cmptno, jas_image_coord_t x, jas_image_coord_t y, jas_image_coord_t width, jas_image_coord_t height, jas_matrix_t* data )
jas_image_readcmpt2 ( jas_image_t* image, int cmptno, jas_image_coord_t x, jas_image_coord_t y, jas_image_coord_t width, jas_image_coord_t height, long* buf )
jas_image_readcmptsample ( jas_image_t* image, int cmptno, int x, int y )
jas_image_sampcmpt ( jas_image_t* image, int cmptno, int newcmptno, jas_image_coord_t ho, jas_image_coord_t vo, jas_image_coord_t hs, jas_image_coord_t vs, int sgnd, int prec )
jas_image_strtofmt char* s )
jas_image_writecmpt ( jas_image_t* image, int cmptno, jas_image_coord_t x, jas_image_coord_t y, jas_image_coord_t width, jas_image_coord_t height, jas_matrix_t* data )
jas_image_writecmpt2 ( jas_image_t* image, int cmptno, jas_image_coord_t x, jas_image_coord_t y, jas_image_coord_t width, jas_image_coord_t height, long* buf )
jas_image_writecmptsample ( jas_image_t* image, int cmptno, int x, int y, int_fast32_t v )
jp2_decode ( jas_stream_t* in, char* optstr )
jp2_encode ( jas_image_t* image, jas_stream_t* out, char* optstr )
jp2_validate jas_stream_t* in )
jpc_decode ( jas_stream_t* in, char* optstr )
jpc_encode ( jas_image_t* image, jas_stream_t* out, char* optstr )
jpc_validate jas_stream_t* in )
jpg_decode ( jas_stream_t* in, char* optstr )
jpg_encode ( jas_image_t* image, jas_stream_t* out, char* optstr )
jpg_validate jas_stream_t* in )
mif_decode ( jas_stream_t* in, char* optstr )
mif_encode ( jas_image_t* image, jas_stream_t* out, char* optstr )
mif_validate jas_stream_t* in )
pgx_decode ( jas_stream_t* in, char* optstr )
pgx_encode ( jas_image_t* image, jas_stream_t* out, char* optstr )
pgx_validate jas_stream_t* in )
pnm_decode ( jas_stream_t* in, char* optstr )
pnm_encode ( jas_image_t* image, jas_stream_t* out, char* optstr )
pnm_validate jas_stream_t* in )
ras_decode ( jas_stream_t* in, char* optstr )
ras_encode ( jas_image_t* image, jas_stream_t* out, char* optstr )
ras_validate jas_stream_t* in )

jas_cleanup ( )
jas_init ( )

jas_calloc size_t nmemb, size_t size )
jas_free void* ptr )
jas_malloc size_t size )
jas_realloc void* ptr, size_t size )

jas_matrix_asl ( jas_matrix_t* matrix, int n )
jas_matrix_asr ( jas_matrix_t* matrix, int n )
jas_matrix_bindsub ( jas_matrix_t* mat0, jas_matrix_t* mat1, int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1 )
jas_matrix_clip ( jas_matrix_t* matrix, jas_seqent_t minval, jas_seqent_t maxval )
jas_matrix_cmp ( jas_matrix_t* mat0, jas_matrix_t* mat1 )
jas_matrix_copy jas_matrix_t* x )
jas_matrix_create int numrows, int numcols )
jas_matrix_destroy jas_matrix_t* matrix )
jas_matrix_divpow2 ( jas_matrix_t* matrix, int n )
jas_matrix_resize ( jas_matrix_t* matrix, int numrows, int numcols )
jas_matrix_setall ( jas_matrix_t* matrix, jas_seqent_t val )
jas_seq2d_bindsub jas_matrix_t* s, jas_matrix_t* s1, int xstart, int ystart, int xend, int yend )
jas_seq2d_copy jas_seq2d_t* x )
jas_seq2d_create int xstart, int ystart, int xend, int yend )

jas_stream_close jas_stream_t* stream )
jas_stream_copy ( jas_stream_t* dst, jas_stream_t* src, int n )
jas_stream_display ( jas_stream_t* stream, FILE* fp, int n )
jas_stream_fdopen int fd, char const* mode )
jas_stream_fillbuf ( jas_stream_t* stream, int getflag )
jas_stream_flush jas_stream_t* stream )
jas_stream_flushbuf ( jas_stream_t* stream, int c )
jas_stream_fopen ( char const* filename, char const* mode )
jas_stream_freopen ( char const* path, char const* mode, FILE* fp )
jas_stream_getc_func jas_stream_t* stream )
jas_stream_gets ( jas_stream_t* stream, char* buf, int bufsize )
jas_stream_gobble ( jas_stream_t* stream, int n )
jas_stream_isseekable jas_stream_t* stream )
jas_stream_length jas_stream_t* stream )
jas_stream_memopen char* buf, int bufsize )
jas_stream_pad ( jas_stream_t* stream, int n, int c )
jas_stream_printf ( jas_stream_t* stream, char const* fmt, ... )
jas_stream_putc_func ( jas_stream_t* stream, int c )
jas_stream_puts ( jas_stream_t* stream, char const* s )
jas_stream_read ( jas_stream_t* stream, void* buf, int cnt )
jas_stream_rewind jas_stream_t* stream )
jas_stream_seek ( jas_stream_t* stream, long offset, int origin )
jas_stream_setrwcount ( jas_stream_t* stream, long rwcnt )
jas_stream_tell jas_stream_t* stream )
jas_stream_tmpfile ( )
jas_stream_ungetc ( jas_stream_t* stream, int c )
jas_stream_write ( jas_stream_t* stream, void const* buf, int cnt )

jas_strdup char const* p1 )

jas_tmr_get jas_tmr_t* tmr )
jas_tmr_start jas_tmr_t* tmr )
jas_tmr_stop jas_tmr_t* tmr )

jas_taginfo_nonull jas_taginfo_t* taginfo )
jas_taginfos_lookup ( jas_taginfo_t* taginfos, char const* name )
jas_tvparser_create char const* s )
jas_tvparser_destroy jas_tvparser_t* tvparser )
jas_tvparser_gettag jas_tvparser_t* tvparser )
jas_tvparser_getval jas_tvparser_t* tvparser )
jas_tvparser_next jas_tvparser_t* tvparser )

jas_getversion ( )

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Generated on Fri Sep 2 19:30:26 2011 for by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.8  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API