Public symbols in (1.1.3-MeeGo 1.2 Core) on x86
Total: 30

notify_notification_add_action ( NotifyNotification* notification, char const* action, char const* label, NotifyActionCallback callback, gpointer user_data, GFreeFunc free_func )
notify_notification_attach_to_status_icon ( NotifyNotification* notification, GtkStatusIcon* status_icon )
notify_notification_attach_to_widget ( NotifyNotification* notification, GtkWidget* attach )
notify_notification_clear_actions NotifyNotification* notification )
notify_notification_clear_hints NotifyNotification* notification )
notify_notification_close ( NotifyNotification* notification, GError** error )
notify_notification_get_closed_reason NotifyNotification const* notification )
notify_notification_get_type ( )
notify_notification_new ( gchar const* summary, gchar const* body, gchar const* icon, GtkWidget* attach )
notify_notification_new_with_status_icon ( gchar const* summary, gchar const* body, gchar const* icon, GtkStatusIcon* status_icon )
notify_notification_set_category ( NotifyNotification* notification, char const* category )
notify_notification_set_geometry_hints ( NotifyNotification* notification, GdkScreen* screen, gint x, gint y )
notify_notification_set_hint_byte ( NotifyNotification* notification, gchar const* key, guchar value )
notify_notification_set_hint_byte_array ( NotifyNotification* notification, gchar const* key, guchar const* value, gsize len )
notify_notification_set_hint_double ( NotifyNotification* notification, gchar const* key, gdouble value )
notify_notification_set_hint_int32 ( NotifyNotification* notification, gchar const* key, gint value )
notify_notification_set_hint_string ( NotifyNotification* notification, gchar const* key, gchar const* value )
notify_notification_set_hint_uint32 ( NotifyNotification* notification, gchar const* key, guint value )
notify_notification_set_icon_from_pixbuf ( NotifyNotification* notification, GdkPixbuf* icon )
notify_notification_set_timeout ( NotifyNotification* notification, gint timeout )
notify_notification_set_urgency ( NotifyNotification* notification, NotifyUrgency urgency )
notify_notification_show ( NotifyNotification* notification, GError** error )
notify_notification_update ( NotifyNotification* notification, gchar const* summary, gchar const* body, gchar const* icon )

notify_urgency_get_type ( )

notify_get_app_name ( )
notify_get_server_caps ( )
notify_get_server_info char** ret_name, char** ret_vendor, char** ret_version, char** ret_spec_version )
notify_init char const* app_name )
notify_is_initted ( )
notify_uninit ( )

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