Public symbols in (1.0.0-MeeGo 1.2 Core) on x86
Total: 405

headerAddI18NString Header h, rpmTag tag, char const* string, char const* lang )
headerConvert Header h, headerConvOps op )
headerCopy Header h )
headerCopyLoad void const* uh )
headerCopyTags ( Header headerFrom, Header headerTo, rpmTag const* tagstocopy )
headerDel Header h, rpmTag tag )
headerFormat Header h, char const* fmt, errmsg_t* errmsg )
headerFree Header h )
headerFreeIterator HeaderIterator hi )
headerGet Header h, rpmTag tag, rpmtd td, headerGetFlags flags )
headerGetAsString Header h, rpmTag tag )
headerGetColor Header h )
headerGetEVR Header h, char const** np )
headerGetInstance Header h )
headerGetNEVR Header h, char const** np )
headerGetNEVRA Header h, char const** np )
headerGetNumber Header h, rpmTag tag )
headerGetString Header h, rpmTag tag )
headerInitIterator Header h )
headerIsEntry Header h, rpmTag tag )
headerIsSource Header h )
headerLink Header h )
headerLoad void* uh )
headerMod Header h, rpmtd td )
headerNEVRA Header h, char const** np, uint32_t** ep, char const** vp, char const** rp, char const** ap )
headerNew ( )
headerNext ( HeaderIterator hi, rpmtd td )
headerNextTag HeaderIterator hi )
headerNVR Header h, char const** np, char const** vp, char const** rp )
headerPut Header h, rpmtd td, headerPutFlags flags )
headerPutBin Header h, rpmTag tag, uint8_t* val, rpm_count_t size )
headerPutChar Header h, rpmTag tag, char* val, rpm_count_t size )
headerPutString Header h, rpmTag tag, char const* val )
headerPutStringArray Header h, rpmTag tag, char const** val, rpm_count_t size )
headerPutUint16 Header h, rpmTag tag, uint16_t* val, rpm_count_t size )
headerPutUint32 Header h, rpmTag tag, uint32_t* val, rpm_count_t size )
headerPutUint64 Header h, rpmTag tag, uint64_t* val, rpm_count_t size )
headerPutUint8 Header h, rpmTag tag, uint8_t* val, rpm_count_t size )
headerRead FD_t fd, hMagic magicp )
headerReload Header h, rpmTag tag )
headerSizeof Header h, hMagic magicp )
headerSort Header h )
headerUnlink Header h )
headerUnload Header h )
headerUnsort Header h )
headerVerifyInfo int il, int dl, void const* pev, void* iv, int negate )
headerWrite FD_t fd, Header h, hMagic magicp )
rpm_header_magic [data]

_noDirTokens [data]
ftsOpts [data]
rpmcliAllPoptTable [data]
rpmcliArgIter rpmts ts, QVA_t qva, ARGV_const_t argv )
rpmcliConfigured ( )
rpmcliFini poptContext optCon )
rpmcliFtsPoptTable [data]
rpmcliHashesCurrent [data]
rpmcliHashesTotal [data]
rpmcliInit int argc, char*const* argv, poptOption* optionsTable )
rpmcliPackagesTotal [data]
rpmcliPipeOutput [data]
rpmcliProgressCurrent [data]
rpmcliProgressTotal [data]
rpmcliQuery rpmts ts, QVA_t qva, ARGV_const_t argv )
rpmcliQueryFlags [data]
rpmcliRcfile [data]
rpmcliRootDir [data]
rpmcliShowMatches QVA_t qva, rpmts ts )
rpmcliSign rpmts ts, QVA_t qva, ARGV_const_t argv )
rpmcliVerify rpmts ts, QVA_t qva, ARGV_const_t argv )
rpmDatabasePoptTable [data]
rpmDBArgs [data]
rpmDisplayQueryTags FILE* fp )
rpmErase rpmts ts, rpmInstallArguments_s* ia, ARGV_const_t argv )
rpmIArgs [data]
rpmInstall rpmts ts, rpmInstallArguments_s* ia, ARGV_t fileArgv )
rpmInstallPoptTable [data]
rpmInstallSource rpmts ts, char const* arg, char** specFilePtr, char** cookie )
rpmQueryPoptTable [data]
rpmQueryVerify QVA_t qva, rpmts ts, char const* arg )
rpmQVKArgs [data]
rpmQVSourcePoptTable [data]
rpmShowProgress void const* arg, rpmCallbackType const what, rpm_loff_t const amount, rpm_loff_t const total, fnpyKey key, void* data )
rpmSignPoptTable [data]
rpmVerifyPoptTable [data]
rpmVerifySignatures QVA_t qva, rpmts ts, FD_t fd, char const* fn )
showQueryPackage QVA_t qva, rpmts ts, Header h )
showVerifyPackage QVA_t qva, rpmts ts, Header h )

_rpmdb_debug [data]
rpmdbAdd rpmdb db, int iid, Header h, rpmts ts, rpmRC(*hdrchk)(rpmts, void const*, size_t, char**) )
rpmdbAppendIterator ( rpmdbMatchIterator mi, int const* hdrNums, int nHdrNums )
rpmdbCheckSignals ( )
rpmdbCheckTerminate int terminate )
rpmdbClose rpmdb db )
rpmdbCloseDBI rpmdb db, rpmTag rpmtag )
rpmdbCountPackages rpmdb db, char const* name )
rpmdbFreeIterator rpmdbMatchIterator mi )
rpmdbGetIteratorCount rpmdbMatchIterator mi )
rpmdbGetIteratorFileNum rpmdbMatchIterator mi )
rpmdbGetIteratorOffset rpmdbMatchIterator mi )
rpmdbInit ( char const* prefix, int perms )
rpmdbInitIterator rpmdb db, rpmTag rpmtag, void const* keyp, size_t keylen )
rpmdbLink rpmdb db, char const* msg )
rpmdbNextIterator rpmdbMatchIterator mi )
rpmdbOp rpmdb db, rpmdbOpX opx )
rpmdbOpen ( char const* prefix, rpmdb* dbp, int mode, int perms )
rpmdbOpenAll rpmdb db )
rpmdbPruneIterator ( rpmdbMatchIterator mi, int* hdrNums, int nHdrNums, int sorted )
rpmdbRebuild ( char const* prefix, rpmts ts, rpmRC(*hdrchk)(rpmts, void const*, size_t, char**) )
rpmdbRemove rpmdb db, int rid, unsigned int hdrNum, rpmts ts, rpmRC(*hdrchk)(rpmts, void const*, size_t, char**) )
rpmdbSetChrootDone rpmdb db, int chrootDone )
rpmdbSetHdrChk ( rpmdbMatchIterator mi, rpmts ts, rpmRC(*hdrchk)(rpmts, void const*, size_t, char**) )
rpmdbSetIteratorModified ( rpmdbMatchIterator mi, int modified )
rpmdbSetIteratorRE ( rpmdbMatchIterator mi, rpmTag tag, rpmMireMode mode, char const* pattern )
rpmdbSetIteratorRewrite ( rpmdbMatchIterator mi, int rewrite )
rpmdbSync rpmdb db )
rpmdbUnlink rpmdb db, char const* msg )
rpmdbVerify char const* prefix )

_rpmds_debug [data]
_rpmds_nopromote [data]
rpmdsAnyMatchesDep Header const h, rpmds const req, int nopromote )
rpmdsBT rpmds const ds )
rpmdsColor rpmds const ds )
rpmdsCompare rpmds const A, rpmds const B )
rpmdsCount rpmds const ds )
rpmdsDNEVR rpmds const ds )
rpmdsEVR rpmds const ds )
rpmdsFind rpmds ds, rpmds const ods )
rpmdsFlags rpmds const ds )
rpmdsFree rpmds ds )
rpmdsInit rpmds ds )
rpmdsIx rpmds const ds )
rpmdsLink rpmds ds, char const* msg )
rpmdsMerge rpmds* dsp, rpmds ods )
rpmdsN rpmds const ds )
rpmdsNew Header h, rpmTag tagN, int flags )
rpmdsNewDNEVR ( char const* dspfx, rpmds const ds )
rpmdsNext rpmds ds )
rpmdsNoPromote rpmds const ds )
rpmdsNotify rpmds ds, char const* where, int rc )
rpmdsNVRMatchesDep Header const h, rpmds const req, int nopromote )
rpmdsProblem rpmps ps, char const* pkgNEVR, rpmds const ds, fnpyKey const* suggestedKeys, int adding )
rpmdsRefs rpmds const ds )
rpmdsRpmlib rpmds* dsp, void* tblp )
rpmdsSearch rpmds ds, rpmds ods )
rpmdsSetBT rpmds const ds, time_t BT )
rpmdsSetColor rpmds const ds, rpm_color_t color )
rpmdsSetIx rpmds ds, int ix )
rpmdsSetNoPromote rpmds ds, int nopromote )
rpmdsSetRefs rpmds const ds, int32_t refs )
rpmdsSingle rpmTag tagN, char const* N, char const* EVR, rpmsenseFlags Flags )
rpmdsTagN rpmds const ds )
rpmdsThis Header h, rpmTag tagN, rpmsenseFlags Flags )
rpmdsUnlink rpmds ds, char const* msg )

_rpmfc_debug [data]

_rpmfi_debug [data]
rpmfiBN rpmfi fi )
rpmfiColor rpmfi fi )
rpmfiCompare rpmfi const afi, rpmfi const bfi )
rpmfiConfigConflict rpmfi const fi )
rpmfiDC rpmfi fi )
rpmfiDecideFate rpmfi const ofi, rpmfi nfi, int skipMissing )
rpmfiDigestAlgo rpmfi fi )
rpmfiDN rpmfi fi )
rpmfiDX rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFC rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFCaps rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFClass rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFColor rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFDepends rpmfi fi, uint32_t const** fddictp )
rpmfiFDigest rpmfi fi, pgpHashAlgo* algo, size_t* diglen )
rpmfiFDigestHex rpmfi fi, pgpHashAlgo* algo )
rpmfiFFlags rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFGroup rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFInode rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFLangs rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFLink rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFMode rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFMtime rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFN rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFNlink rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFRdev rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFree rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFSize rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFState rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFUser rpmfi fi )
rpmfiFX rpmfi fi )
rpmfiInit rpmfi fi, int fx )
rpmfiInitD rpmfi fi, int dx )
rpmfiLink rpmfi fi, char const* msg )
rpmfiMD5 rpmfi fi )
rpmfiNew rpmts const ts, Header h, rpmTag tagN, rpmfiFlags flags )
rpmfiNext rpmfi fi )
rpmfiNextD rpmfi fi )
rpmfiSetDX rpmfi fi, int dx )
rpmfiSetFX rpmfi fi, int fx )
rpmfiUnlink rpmfi fi, char const* msg )
rpmfiVFlags rpmfi fi )
rpmfiWhatis rpm_mode_t mode )

_rpmgi_debug [data]
giFlags [data]
rpmgiFree rpmgi gi )
rpmgiGetFlags rpmgi gi )
rpmgiHdrPath rpmgi gi )
rpmgiHeader rpmgi gi )
rpmgiLink rpmgi gi, char const* msg )
rpmgiNew rpmts ts, rpmTag tag, void const* keyp, size_t keylen )
rpmgiNext rpmgi gi )
rpmgiNumErrors rpmgi gi )
rpmgiSetArgs rpmgi gi, ARGV_const_t argv, int ftsOpts, rpmgiFlags flags )
rpmgiTs rpmgi gi )
rpmgiUnlink rpmgi gi, char const* msg )

headerCheck rpmts ts, void const* uh, size_t uc, char** msg )
headerCheckPayloadFormat Header h )
headerMergeLegacySigs Header h, Header const sigh )
headerRegenSigHeader Header const h, int noArchiveSize )
rpmEVR [data]
rpmFLAGS [data]
rpmFreeFilesystems ( )
rpmFreeRpmrc ( )
rpmGetArchInfo ( char const** name, int* num )
rpmGetFilesystemList ( char const*** listptr, unsigned int* num )
rpmGetFilesystemUsage ( char const** fileList, rpm_loff_t* fssizes, unsigned int numFiles, rpm_loff_t** usagesPtr, int flags )
rpmGetOsInfo ( char const** name, int* num )
rpmInstallSourcePackage rpmts ts, FD_t fd, char** specFilePtr, char** cookie )
rpmMachineScore int type, char const* name )
rpmNAME [data]
rpmReadConfigFiles ( char const* file, char const* target )
rpmReadHeader rpmts ts, FD_t fd, Header* hdrp, char** msg )
rpmReadPackageFile rpmts ts, FD_t fd, char const* fn, Header* hdrp )
rpmSetTables int archTable, int osTable )
rpmShowRC FILE* fp )
rpmvercmp char const* a, char const* b )
rpmVersionCompare Header first, Header second )

macrofiles [data]

_rpmps_debug [data]
rpmProblemCreate ( rpmProblemType type, char const* pkgNEVR, fnpyKey key, char const* dn, char const* bn, char const* altNEVR, uint64_t number )
rpmProblemFree rpmProblem prob )
rpmProblemGetAltNEVR rpmProblem const prob )
rpmProblemGetDiskNeed rpmProblem const prob )
rpmProblemGetKey rpmProblem const prob )
rpmProblemGetPkgNEVR rpmProblem const prob )
rpmProblemGetStr rpmProblem const prob )
rpmProblemGetType rpmProblem const prob )
rpmProblemLink rpmProblem prob )
rpmProblemString rpmProblem const prob )
rpmProblemUnlink rpmProblem prob )
rpmpsAppend rpmps ps, rpmProblemType type, char const* pkgNEVR, fnpyKey key, char const* dn, char const* bn, char const* altNEVR, uint64_t number )
rpmpsAppendProblem rpmps ps, rpmProblem prob )
rpmpsCreate ( )
rpmpsFree rpmps ps )
rpmpsFreeIterator rpmpsi psi )
rpmpsGetProblem rpmpsi psi )
rpmpsInitIterator rpmps ps )
rpmpsLink rpmps ps, char const* msg )
rpmpsNextIterator rpmpsi psi )
rpmpsNumProblems rpmps ps )
rpmpsPrint FILE* fp, rpmps ps )
rpmpsTrim rpmps ps, rpmps filter )
rpmpsUnlink rpmps ps, char const* msg )

rpmTagGetClass rpmTag tag )
rpmTagGetName rpmTag tag )
rpmTagGetNames rpmtd tagnames, int fullname )
rpmTagGetType rpmTag tag )
rpmTagGetValue char const* tagstr )
rpmTagTypeGetClass rpmTagType type )

rpmtdClass rpmtd td )
rpmtdCount rpmtd td )
rpmtdDup rpmtd td )
rpmtdFormat rpmtd td, rpmtdFormats fmt, char const* errmsg )
rpmtdFree rpmtd td )
rpmtdFreeData rpmtd td )
rpmtdFromArgi rpmtd td, rpmTag tag, ARGI_t argi )
rpmtdFromArgv rpmtd td, rpmTag tag, ARGV_t argv )
rpmtdFromString rpmtd td, rpmTag tag, char const* data )
rpmtdFromStringArray rpmtd td, rpmTag tag, char const** data, rpm_count_t count )
rpmtdFromUint16 rpmtd td, rpmTag tag, uint16_t* data, rpm_count_t count )
rpmtdFromUint32 rpmtd td, rpmTag tag, uint32_t* data, rpm_count_t count )
rpmtdFromUint64 rpmtd td, rpmTag tag, uint64_t* data, rpm_count_t count )
rpmtdFromUint8 rpmtd td, rpmTag tag, uint8_t* data, rpm_count_t count )
rpmtdGetChar rpmtd td )
rpmtdGetIndex rpmtd td )
rpmtdGetNumber rpmtd td )
rpmtdGetString rpmtd td )
rpmtdGetUint16 rpmtd td )
rpmtdGetUint32 rpmtd td )
rpmtdGetUint64 rpmtd td )
rpmtdInit rpmtd td )
rpmtdNew ( )
rpmtdNext rpmtd td )
rpmtdNextString rpmtd td )
rpmtdNextUint32 rpmtd td )
rpmtdNextUint64 rpmtd td )
rpmtdReset rpmtd td )
rpmtdSetIndex rpmtd td, int index )
rpmtdSetTag rpmtd td, rpmTag tag )
rpmtdTag rpmtd td )
rpmtdType rpmtd td )

_rpmte_debug [data]
rpmteA rpmte te )
rpmteBreadth rpmte te )
rpmteCleanDS rpmte te )
rpmteColor rpmte te )
rpmteColorDS rpmte te, rpmTag tag )
rpmteDBInstance rpmte te )
rpmteDBOffset rpmte te )
rpmteDegree rpmte te )
rpmteDependsOn rpmte te )
rpmteDepth rpmte te )
rpmteDS rpmte te, rpmTag tag )
rpmteE rpmte te )
rpmteEVR rpmte te )
rpmteFailed rpmte te )
rpmteFd rpmte te )
rpmteFI rpmte te )
rpmteFree rpmte te )
rpmteFreeTSI rpmte te )
rpmteHeader rpmte te )
rpmteIsSource rpmte te )
rpmteKey rpmte te )
rpmteN rpmte te )
rpmteNEVR rpmte te )
rpmteNEVRA rpmte te )
rpmteNew rpmts const ts, Header h, rpmElementType type, fnpyKey key, rpmRelocation* relocs, int dboffset )
rpmteNewTSI rpmte te )
rpmteNpreds rpmte te )
rpmteO rpmte te )
rpmteParent rpmte te )
rpmtePkgFileSize rpmte te )
rpmteR rpmte te )
rpmteSetBreadth rpmte te, int nbreadth )
rpmteSetColor rpmte te, rpm_color_t color )
rpmteSetDBInstance rpmte te, unsigned int instance )
rpmteSetDegree rpmte te, int ndegree )
rpmteSetDependsOn rpmte te, rpmte depends )
rpmteSetDepth rpmte te, int ndepth )
rpmteSetHeader rpmte te, Header h )
rpmteSetNpreds rpmte te, int npreds )
rpmteSetParent rpmte te, rpmte pte )
rpmteSetTree rpmte te, int ntree )
rpmteTree rpmte te )
rpmteTSI rpmte te )
rpmteType rpmte te )
rpmteV rpmte te )
rpmtsiFree rpmtsi tsi )
rpmtsiInit rpmts ts )
rpmtsiNext rpmtsi tsi, rpmElementType type )
rpmtsiOc rpmtsi tsi )

_rpmts_debug [data]
_rpmts_stats [data]
rpmtsAddEraseElement rpmts ts, Header h, int dboffset )
rpmtsAddInstallElement rpmts ts, Header h, fnpyKey const key, int upgrade, rpmRelocation* relocs )
rpmtsCheck rpmts ts )
rpmtsChrootDone rpmts ts )
rpmtsClean rpmts ts )
rpmtsCleanProblems rpmts ts )
rpmtsCloseDB rpmts ts )
rpmtsColor rpmts ts )
rpmtsCreate ( )
rpmtsCurrDir rpmts ts )
rpmtsElement rpmts ts, int ix )
rpmtsEmpty rpmts ts )
rpmtsFilterFlags rpmts ts )
rpmtsFindPubkey rpmts ts, pgpDig dig )
rpmtsFlags rpmts ts )
rpmtsFree rpmts ts )
rpmtsGetDBMode rpmts ts )
rpmtsGetKeyring rpmts ts, int autoload )
rpmtsGetRdb rpmts ts )
rpmtsGetTid rpmts ts )
rpmtsImportPubkey rpmts ts, unsigned char const* pkt, size_t pktlen )
rpmtsInitDB rpmts ts, int dbmode )
rpmtsInitIterator rpmts const ts, rpmTag rpmtag, void const* keyp, size_t keylen )
rpmtsLink rpmts ts, char const* msg )
rpmtsNElements rpmts ts )
rpmtsNotify rpmts ts, rpmte te, rpmCallbackType what, rpm_loff_t amount, rpm_loff_t total )
rpmtsOp rpmts ts, rpmtsOpX opx )
rpmtsOpenDB rpmts ts, int dbmode )
rpmtsOrder rpmts ts )
rpmtsPrefColor rpmts ts )
rpmtsProblems rpmts ts )
rpmtsRebuildDB rpmts ts )
rpmtsRootDir rpmts ts )
rpmtsRun rpmts ts, rpmps okProbs, rpmprobFilterFlags ignoreSet )
rpmtsScriptFd rpmts ts )
rpmtsSELinuxEnabled rpmts ts )
rpmtsSetChrootDone rpmts ts, int chrootDone )
rpmtsSetColor rpmts ts, rpm_color_t color )
rpmtsSetCurrDir rpmts ts, char const* currDir )
rpmtsSetDBMode rpmts ts, int dbmode )
rpmtsSetFlags rpmts ts, rpmtransFlags transFlags )
rpmtsSetKeyring rpmts ts, rpmKeyring keyring )
rpmtsSetNotifyCallback rpmts ts, rpmCallbackFunction notify, rpmCallbackData notifyData )
rpmtsSetPrefColor rpmts ts, rpm_color_t color )
rpmtsSetRootDir rpmts ts, char const* rootDir )
rpmtsSetScriptFd rpmts ts, FD_t scriptFd )
rpmtsSetSolveCallback rpmts ts, int(*solve)(rpmts, rpmds, void const*), void const* solveData )
rpmtsSetSpec rpmts ts, rpmSpec spec )
rpmtsSetTid rpmts ts, rpm_tid_t tid )
rpmtsSetVSFlags rpmts ts, rpmVSFlags vsflags )
rpmtsSpec rpmts ts )
rpmtsUnlink rpmts ts, char const* msg )
rpmtsVerifyDB rpmts ts )
rpmtsVSFlags rpmts ts )

rpmVerifyFile rpmts const ts, rpmfi fi, rpmVerifyAttrs* res, rpmVerifyAttrs omitMask )

to the top

Generated on Fri Sep 2 19:30:30 2011 for by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.8  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API