Public symbols in (1.1.4-MeeGo 1.2 Core) on x86
Total: 42

th_comment_add th_comment* _tc, char* _comment ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_comment_add_tag th_comment* _tc, char* _tag, char* _val ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_comment_clear th_comment* _tc ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_comment_init th_comment* _tc ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_comment_query th_comment* _tc, char* _tag, int _count ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_comment_query_count th_comment* _tc, char* _tag ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_granule_frame void* _encdec, ogg_int64_t _granpos ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_granule_time void* _encdec, ogg_int64_t _granpos ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_info_clear th_info* _info ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_info_init th_info* _info ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_packet_isheader ogg_packet* _op ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_packet_iskeyframe ogg_packet* _op ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_version_number ( ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_version_string ( ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0

theora_clear theora_state* t ) @@
theora_comment_add ( theora_comment* tc, char* comment ) @@
theora_comment_add_tag ( theora_comment* tc, char* tag, char* value ) @@
theora_comment_clear theora_comment* tc ) @@
theora_comment_init theora_comment* tc ) @@
theora_comment_query ( theora_comment* tc, char* tag, int count ) @@
theora_comment_query_count ( theora_comment* tc, char* tag ) @@
theora_control ( theora_state* th, int req, void* buf, size_t buf_sz ) @@
theora_decode_header theora_info* ci, theora_comment* cc, ogg_packet* op ) @@
theora_decode_init ( theora_state* th, theora_info* c ) @@
theora_decode_packetin ( theora_state* th, ogg_packet* op ) @@
theora_decode_YUVout ( theora_state* th, yuv_buffer* yuv ) @@
theora_granule_frame ( theora_state* th, ogg_int64_t granulepos ) @@
theora_granule_shift theora_info* ti ) @@
theora_granule_time ( theora_state* th, ogg_int64_t granulepos ) @@
theora_info_clear theora_info* c ) @@
theora_info_init theora_info* c ) @@
theora_packet_isheader ogg_packet* op ) @@
theora_packet_iskeyframe ogg_packet* op ) @@
theora_version_number ( ) @@
theora_version_string ( ) @@

th_decode_alloc ( th_info const* _info, th_setup_info const* _setup ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_decode_ctl ( th_dec_ctx* _dec, int _req, void* _buf, size_t _buf_sz ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_decode_free th_dec_ctx* _dec ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_decode_headerin th_info* _info, th_comment* _tc, th_setup_info** _setup, ogg_packet* _op ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_decode_packetin ( th_dec_ctx* _dec, ogg_packet const* _op, ogg_int64_t* _granpos ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_decode_ycbcr_out ( th_dec_ctx* _dec, th_img_plane* _ycbcr ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0
th_setup_free th_setup_info* _setup ) @@ libtheoradec_1.0

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Generated on Fri Sep 2 19:30:38 2011 for by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.8  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API