Public symbols in cryptospi.dso (000a0000-Symbian^3) on ARM
Total: 169

cryptobaseapi.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
CCryptoBase::GetCharacteristicsL TCharacteristics const*& aPluginCharacteristics )
CCryptoBase::GetExtendedCharacteristicsL ( )
CCryptoBase::Reset ( )

cryptohashapi.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
CAsyncHash::Cancel ( )
CAsyncHash::CopyL ( )
CAsyncHash::Final ( TDesC8 const& aMessage, TPtrC8& aFinal, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
CAsyncHash::Hash ( TDesC8 const& aMessage, TPtrC8& aHash, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
CAsyncHash::ReplicateL ( )
CAsyncHash::SetKeyL CKey const& aKey )
CAsyncHash::SetOperationModeL TUid aOperationMode )
CAsyncHash::Update ( TDesC8 const& aMessage, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
CAsyncHash::~CAsyncHash [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CAsyncHash::~CAsyncHash [in-charge] ( )
CAsyncHash::~CAsyncHash [not-in-charge] ( )
CHash::CopyL ( )
CHash::Final TDesC8 const& aMessage )
CHash::Hash TDesC8 const& aMessage )
CHash::ReplicateL ( )
CHash::SetKeyL CKey const& aKey )
CHash::SetOperationModeL TUid aOperationMode )
CHash::Update TDesC8 const& aMessage )
CHash::~CHash [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CHash::~CHash [in-charge] ( )
CHash::~CHash [not-in-charge] ( )
CHashFactory::CreateAsyncHashL ( CAsyncHash*& aAsyncHash, TUid aAlgorithmUid, TUid aOperationMode, CKey const* aKey, CCryptoParams const* aAlgorithmParams ) [static]
CHashFactory::CreateHashL ( CHash*& aHash, TUid aAlgorithmUid, TUid aOperationMode, CKey const* aKey, CCryptoParams const* aAlgorithmParams ) [static]

cryptomacapi.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
CAsyncMac::Cancel ( )
CAsyncMac::CopyL ( )
CAsyncMac::FinalL ( TDesC8 const& aMessage, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
CAsyncMac::MacL ( TDesC8 const& aMessage, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
CAsyncMac::ReInitialiseAndSetKeyL CKey const& aKey )
CAsyncMac::ReplicateL ( )
CAsyncMac::UpdateL ( TDesC8 const& aMessage, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
CAsyncMac::~CAsyncMac [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CAsyncMac::~CAsyncMac [in-charge] ( )
CAsyncMac::~CAsyncMac [not-in-charge] ( )
CMac::CopyL ( )
CMac::FinalL TDesC8 const& aMessage )
CMac::MacL TDesC8 const& aMessage )
CMac::ReInitialiseAndSetKeyL CKey const& aKey )
CMac::ReplicateL ( )
CMac::UpdateL TDesC8 const& aMessage )
CMac::~CMac [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CMac::~CMac [in-charge] ( )
CMac::~CMac [not-in-charge] ( )
CMacFactory::CreateAsyncMacL ( CAsyncMac*& aMac, TUid const aAlgorithmUid, CKey const& aKey, CCryptoParams const* aAlgorithmParams ) [static]
CMacFactory::CreateMacL CMac*& aMac, TUid const aAlgorithmUid, CKey const& aKey, CCryptoParams const* aAlgorithmParams ) [static]

cryptoparams.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
CCryptoBigIntParam::NewL ( TInteger const& aValue, TUid aUid ) [static]
CCryptoBigIntParam::NewLC ( TInteger const& aValue, TUid aUid ) [static]
CCryptoBigIntParam::Value ( ) const
CCryptoBigIntParam::~CCryptoBigIntParam [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CCryptoBigIntParam::~CCryptoBigIntParam [in-charge] ( )
CCryptoBigIntParam::~CCryptoBigIntParam [not-in-charge] ( )
CCryptoDesC16Param::NewL ( TDesC16 const& aValue, TUid aUid ) [static]
CCryptoDesC16Param::NewLC ( TDesC16 const& aValue, TUid aUid ) [static]
CCryptoDesC16Param::Value ( ) const
CCryptoDesC16Param::~CCryptoDesC16Param [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CCryptoDesC16Param::~CCryptoDesC16Param [in-charge] ( )
CCryptoDesC16Param::~CCryptoDesC16Param [not-in-charge] ( )
CCryptoDesC8Param::NewL ( TDesC8 const& aValue, TUid aUid ) [static]
CCryptoDesC8Param::NewLC ( TDesC8 const& aValue, TUid aUid ) [static]
CCryptoDesC8Param::Value ( ) const
CCryptoDesC8Param::~CCryptoDesC8Param [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CCryptoDesC8Param::~CCryptoDesC8Param [in-charge] ( )
CCryptoDesC8Param::~CCryptoDesC8Param [not-in-charge] ( )
CCryptoIntParam::NewL TInt aValue, TUid aUid ) [static]
CCryptoIntParam::NewLC TInt aValue, TUid aUid ) [static]
CCryptoIntParam::Value ( ) const
CCryptoIntParam::~CCryptoIntParam [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CCryptoIntParam::~CCryptoIntParam [in-charge] ( )
CCryptoIntParam::~CCryptoIntParam [not-in-charge] ( )
CCryptoParam::Type ( ) const
CCryptoParam::Uid ( ) const
CCryptoParam::~CCryptoParam [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CCryptoParam::~CCryptoParam [in-charge] ( )
CCryptoParam::~CCryptoParam [not-in-charge] ( )
CCryptoParams::AddL ( TDesC16 const& aParam, TUid aUid )
CCryptoParams::AddL ( TDesC8 const& aParam, TUid aUid )
CCryptoParams::AddL ( TInt const aParam, TUid aUid )
CCryptoParams::AddL ( TInteger const& aParam, TUid aUid )
CCryptoParams::CopyL CCryptoParams const& aParams )
CCryptoParams::Count ( ) const
CCryptoParams::GetBigIntL TUid aUid ) const
CCryptoParams::GetParams ( ) const
CCryptoParams::GetTDesC16L TUid aUid ) const
CCryptoParams::GetTDesC8L TUid aUid ) const
CCryptoParams::GetTIntL TUid aUid ) const
CCryptoParams::IsPresent TUid aUid ) const
CCryptoParams::NewL ( ) [static]
CCryptoParams::NewLC ( ) [static]
CCryptoParams::~CCryptoParams [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CCryptoParams::~CCryptoParams [in-charge] ( )
CCryptoParams::~CCryptoParams [not-in-charge] ( )

cryptorandomapi.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
CAsyncRandom::GenerateRandomBytesL ( TDes8& aDest, TRequestStatus& aStatus )
CAsyncRandom::~CAsyncRandom [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CAsyncRandom::~CAsyncRandom [in-charge] ( )
CAsyncRandom::~CAsyncRandom [not-in-charge] ( )
CRandom::GenerateRandomBytesL TDes8& aDest )
CRandom::~CRandom [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CRandom::~CRandom [in-charge] ( )
CRandom::~CRandom [not-in-charge] ( )
CRandomFactory::CreateAsyncRandomL ( CAsyncRandom*& aAsyncRandom, TUid aAlgorithmUid, CCryptoParams const* aAlgorithmParams ) [static]
CRandomFactory::CreateRandomL ( CRandom*& aRandom, TUid aAlgorithmUid, CCryptoParams const* aAlgorithmParams ) [static]

cryptospistateapi.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
CCryptoSpiStateApi::EnumerateCharacteristicsL ( RPointerArray<CCharacteristicsAndPluginName>& aCharacteristics, TInt32 aInterface, TBool aExtended ) [static]
CCryptoSpiStateApi::SetSelector MPluginSelector* aSelector ) [static]
CCryptoSpiStateApi::UnsetSelector ( ) [static]

cryptosymmetriccipherapi.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
CAsyncSymmetricCipher::Cancel ( )
CAsyncSymmetricCipher::ProcessFinalL ( TDesC8 const& aInput, TDes8& aOutput, TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus )
CAsyncSymmetricCipher::ProcessL ( TDesC8 const& aInput, TDes8& aOutput, TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus )
CAsyncSymmetricCipher::~CAsyncSymmetricCipher [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CAsyncSymmetricCipher::~CAsyncSymmetricCipher [in-charge] ( )
CAsyncSymmetricCipher::~CAsyncSymmetricCipher [not-in-charge] ( )
CSymmetricCipher::ProcessFinalL ( TDesC8 const& aInput, TDes8& aOutput )
CSymmetricCipher::ProcessL ( TDesC8 const& aInput, TDes8& aOutput )
CSymmetricCipher::~CSymmetricCipher [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CSymmetricCipher::~CSymmetricCipher [in-charge] ( )
CSymmetricCipher::~CSymmetricCipher [not-in-charge] ( )
CSymmetricCipherBase::BlockSize ( )
CSymmetricCipherBase::KeySize ( )
CSymmetricCipherBase::MaxFinalOutputLength TInt aInputLength )
CSymmetricCipherBase::MaxOutputLength TInt aInputLength )
CSymmetricCipherBase::SetCryptoModeL TUid aCryptoMode )
CSymmetricCipherBase::SetIvL TDesC8 const& aIv )
CSymmetricCipherBase::SetKeyL CKey const& aKey )
CSymmetricCipherBase::SetOperationModeL TUid aOperationMode )
CSymmetricCipherBase::SetPaddingModeL TUid aPaddingMode )
CSymmetricCipherFactory::CreateAsyncSymmetricCipherL ( CAsyncSymmetricCipher*& aAsyncCipher, TUid aAlgorithmUid, CKey const& aKey, TUid aCryptoMode, TUid aOperationMode, TUid aPaddingMode, CCryptoParams const* aAlgorithmParams ) [static]
CSymmetricCipherFactory::CreateSymmetricCipherL ( CSymmetricCipher*& aCipher, TUid aAlgorithmUid, CKey const& aKey, TUid aCryptoMode, TUid aOperationMode, TUid aPaddingMode, CCryptoParams const* aAlgorithmParams ) [static]

extendedcharacteristics.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
CExtendedCharacteristics::AddCharacteristicL ( TDesC8 const& value, TUid aUid )
CExtendedCharacteristics::AddCharacteristicL ( TInt const value, TUid aUid )
CExtendedCharacteristics::GetTDesC8CharacteristicL TUid aUid ) const
CExtendedCharacteristics::GetTIntCharacteristicL TUid aUid ) const
CExtendedCharacteristics::ListExtendedCharacteristics ( ) const
CExtendedCharacteristics::NewL ( TInt aAvailableConcurrency, TBool aExclusiveUse ) [static]
CExtendedCharacteristics::~CExtendedCharacteristics [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CExtendedCharacteristics::~CExtendedCharacteristics [in-charge] ( )
CExtendedCharacteristics::~CExtendedCharacteristics [not-in-charge] ( )

keys.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
CKey::GetBigIntL TUid aUid ) const
CKey::GetTDesC8L TUid aUid ) const
CKey::GetTIntL TUid aUid ) const
CKey::IsPresent TUid aUid ) const
CKey::KeyParameters ( ) const
CKey::KeyProperty ( ) const
CKey::NewL CKey const& aKey ) [static]
CKey::NewL ( TKeyProperty const& aKeyProperty, CCryptoParams const& aKeyParameters ) [static]
CKey::NewLC CKey const& aKey ) [static]
CKey::NewLC ( TKeyProperty const& aKeyProperty, CCryptoParams const& aKeyParameters ) [static]
CKey::~CKey [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CKey::~CKey [in-charge] ( )
CKey::~CKey [not-in-charge] ( )

plugincharacteristics.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
TAsymmetricCipherCharacteristics::IsPaddingModeSupported TUid aPaddingMode ) const
TAsymmetricSignatureCharacteristics::IsPaddingModeSupported TUid aPaddingMode ) const
THashCharacteristics::IsOperationModeSupported TUid aOperationMode ) const
TSymmetricCipherCharacteristics::IsOperationModeSupported TUid aOperationMode ) const
TSymmetricCipherCharacteristics::IsPaddingModeSupported TUid aPaddingMode ) const

ruleselector.h, cryptospi{000a0000}.dso
namespace CryptoSpi
CRuleSelector::NewL CSelectionRules* aRules ) [static]
CRuleSelector::NewLC CSelectionRules* aRules ) [static]
CRuleSelector::~CRuleSelector [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CRuleSelector::~CRuleSelector [in-charge] ( )
CRuleSelector::~CRuleSelector [not-in-charge] ( )
CSelectionRuleContent::NewL ( TUid aInterfaceScope, TUid aAlgorithmScope, CCryptoParam* aCharacteristicValue, TRuleOperator aOperator, TBool aIsOptional ) [static]
CSelectionRuleContent::~CSelectionRuleContent [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CSelectionRuleContent::~CSelectionRuleContent [in-charge] ( )
CSelectionRuleContent::~CSelectionRuleContent [not-in-charge] ( )
CSelectionRules::AddSelectionRuleL CSelectionRuleContent* aSelectionRule )
CSelectionRules::NewL ( ) [static]
CSelectionRules::~CSelectionRules [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CSelectionRules::~CSelectionRules [in-charge] ( )
CSelectionRules::~CSelectionRules [not-in-charge] ( )

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Generated on Fri Aug 12 12:20:16 2011 for cryptospi.dso by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.4  
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