Public symbols in dbwriter.dso (000a0000-Symbian^3) on ARM
Total: 51

dbwriter.h, dbwriter{000a0000}.dso
CHlpDbWriter::AddBitmapL TInt aBitmapId )
CHlpDbWriter::BeginTransaction ( )
CHlpDbWriter::BitmapCount ( ) const
CHlpDbWriter::BitmapIdForIndex TInt aIndex ) const
CHlpDbWriter::CloseFileL ( )
CHlpDbWriter::CommitTransaction ( )
CHlpDbWriter::CompressDatabaseL ( )
CHlpDbWriter::ContextTable ( )
CHlpDbWriter::CreateDatabaseL ( )
CHlpDbWriter::CreateFileL TDesC const& aFileName )
CHlpDbWriter::ImageTable ( )
CHlpDbWriter::IndexTable ( )
CHlpDbWriter::IsBitmapStored TInt aBitmapId ) const
CHlpDbWriter::NewL RFs& aFs ) [static]
CHlpDbWriter::NewLC RFs& aFs ) [static]
CHlpDbWriter::SetDatabaseUidL TUid& aUid )
CHlpDbWriter::SetUidL TUid aUid )
CHlpDbWriter::TopicIndexTable ( )
CHlpDbWriter::TopicTable ( )
CHlpDbWriter::~CHlpDbWriter [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CHlpDbWriter::~CHlpDbWriter [in-charge] ( )
CHlpDbWriter::~CHlpDbWriter [not-in-charge] ( )
CHlpRowSet::AtBeginning ( )
CHlpRowSet::AtEnd ( )
CHlpRowSet::AtRow ( )
CHlpRowSet::CountL ( )
CHlpRowSet::FirstL ( )
CHlpRowSet::LastL ( )
CHlpRowSet::MapColNameToColNo TDbCol const& aCol )
CHlpRowSet::MapColNameToColNo TDesC const& aName )
CHlpRowSet::NextL ( )
CHlpRowSet::PreviousL ( )
CHlpRowSet::View ( )
CHlpRowSet::~CHlpRowSet [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CHlpRowSet::~CHlpRowSet [in-charge] ( )
CHlpRowSet::~CHlpRowSet [not-in-charge] ( )
CHlpTable::InsertL ( )
CHlpTable::NewL RDbView* aView ) [static]
CHlpTable::NewLC RDbView* aView ) [static]
CHlpTable::PutL ( )
CHlpTable::SetColL TDbColNo aCol, CFbsBitmap const& aBitmap )
CHlpTable::SetColL TDbColNo aCol, TDesC const& aText )
CHlpTable::SetColL TDbColNo aCol, TUint32 aValue )
CHlpTable::SetColL ( TDbColNo aTextCol, CRichText& aRichText )
CHlpTable::SetColL ( TDbColNo aTextCol, TDbColNo aMarkupCol, CRichText& aRichText )
CHlpView::GetL ( )
CHlpView::GetRichTextL ( TDbColNo aTextCol, TDbColNo aMarkupCol, CRichText& aRichText )
CHlpView::GetTextL TDbColNo aCol, TDes& aText )
CHlpView::GetValL TDbColNo aCol, TUint32& aValue )
CHlpView::NewL RDbView* aView ) [static]
CHlpView::NewLC RDbView* aView ) [static]

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Generated on Fri Aug 12 12:20:18 2011 for dbwriter.dso by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.4  
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