Public symbols in libwfc.dso (000a0000-Symbian^3) on ARM
Total: 37

wfc.h, libwfc{000a0000}.dso
wfcActivate WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx )
wfcCommit WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx, WFCboolean wait )
wfcCompose WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx, WFCboolean wait )
wfcCreateDevice WFCint deviceId, WFCint const* attribList )
wfcCreateElement WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx, WFCint const* attribList )
wfcCreateMaskFromStream WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx, WFCNativeStreamType stream, WFCint const* attribList )
wfcCreateOffScreenContext WFCDevice dev, WFCNativeStreamType stream, WFCint const* attribList )
wfcCreateOnScreenContext WFCDevice dev, WFCint screenNumber, WFCint const* attribList )
wfcCreateSourceFromStream WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx, WFCNativeStreamType stream, WFCint const* attribList )
wfcDeactivate WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx )
wfcDestroyContext WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx )
wfcDestroyDevice WFCDevice dev )
wfcDestroyElement WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element )
wfcDestroyMask WFCDevice dev, WFCMask mask )
wfcDestroySource WFCDevice dev, WFCSource src )
wfcEnumerateDevices ( WFCint* deviceIds, WFCint deviceIdsCount, WFCint const* filterList )
wfcFence WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx, WFCEGLDisplay dpy, WFCEGLSync sync )
wfcGetContextAttribfv WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx, WFCContextAttrib attrib, WFCint count, WFCfloat* values )
wfcGetContextAttribi WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx, WFCContextAttrib attrib )
wfcGetDeviceAttribi WFCDevice dev, WFCDeviceAttrib attrib )
wfcGetElementAbove WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element )
wfcGetElementAttribf WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element, WFCElementAttrib attrib )
wfcGetElementAttribfv WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element, WFCElementAttrib attrib, WFCint count, WFCfloat* values )
wfcGetElementAttribi WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element, WFCElementAttrib attrib )
wfcGetElementAttribiv WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element, WFCElementAttrib attrib, WFCint count, WFCint* values )
wfcGetElementBelow WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element )
wfcGetError WFCDevice dev )
wfcGetStrings WFCDevice dev, WFCStringID name, char const** strings, WFCint stringsCount )
wfcInsertElement WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element, WFCElement subordinate )
wfcIsExtensionSupported WFCDevice dev, char const* string )
wfcRemoveElement WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element )
wfcSetContextAttribfv WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx, WFCContextAttrib attrib, WFCint count, WFCfloat const* values )
wfcSetContextAttribi WFCDevice dev, WFCContext ctx, WFCContextAttrib attrib, WFCint value )
wfcSetElementAttribf WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element, WFCElementAttrib attrib, WFCfloat value )
wfcSetElementAttribfv WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element, WFCElementAttrib attrib, WFCint count, WFCfloat const* values )
wfcSetElementAttribi WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element, WFCElementAttrib attrib, WFCint value )
wfcSetElementAttribiv WFCDevice dev, WFCElement element, WFCElementAttrib attrib, WFCint count, WFCint const* values )

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Generated on Fri Aug 12 12:20:51 2011 for libwfc.dso by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.4  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API