Public symbols in rsfwmountman.dso (000a0000-Symbian^3) on ARM
Total: 32

rsfwmountentry.h, rsfwmountman{000a0000}.dso
CRsfwMountEntry::Clear ( )
CRsfwMountEntry::CloneL ( ) const
CRsfwMountEntry::Item TInt aIndex ) const
CRsfwMountEntry::NewL ( ) [static]
CRsfwMountEntry::NewLC ( ) [static]
CRsfwMountEntry::SetEntryL TInt aIndex, TDesC const& aName, TChar aDriveLetter, TDesC const& aUrl, TDesC const& aUserName, TDesC const& aPassword, TDesC const& aIap )
CRsfwMountEntry::SetItemL TInt aIndex, TDesC const& aValue )
CRsfwMountEntry::SetItemL TInt aIndex, TDesC8 const& aValue )
CRsfwMountEntry::~CRsfwMountEntry [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CRsfwMountEntry::~CRsfwMountEntry [in-charge] ( )
CRsfwMountEntry::~CRsfwMountEntry [not-in-charge] ( )

rsfwmountman.h, rsfwmountman{000a0000}.dso
CRsfwMountMan::AddMountEntryL CRsfwMountEntry* aMountEntry )
CRsfwMountMan::CancelRemoteTransfer TDesC const& aFile )
CRsfwMountMan::DeleteMountEntryL TChar aDriveLetter )
CRsfwMountMan::DeleteMountEntryL TDesC const& aName )
CRsfwMountMan::EditMountEntryL CRsfwMountEntry* aMountEntry )
CRsfwMountMan::GetAllDrivesL TDriveList& aDriveList ) const
CRsfwMountMan::GetMountInfo ( TChar aDriveLetter, TRsfwMountInfo& aMountInfo ) const
CRsfwMountMan::GetMountNamesL CDesC16Array* aNames ) const
CRsfwMountMan::GetRemoteMountListL TDriveList& aDriveList ) const
CRsfwMountMan::IsAppOnBlackList TUid aUid ) const
CRsfwMountMan::MountEntryL TChar aDriveLetter ) const
CRsfwMountMan::MountEntryL TDesC const& aName ) const
CRsfwMountMan::NewL ( TUint aDefaultFlags, MRsfwMountManObserver* aMountManObserver ) [static]
CRsfwMountMan::RefreshDirectory TDesC const& aPath )
CRsfwMountMan::SetMountConnectionState ( TChar aDriveLetter, TUint aConnectionState )
CRsfwMountMan::SetMountConnectionStateBlind ( TChar aDriveLetter, TUint aConnectionState )
CRsfwMountMan::~CRsfwMountMan [in-charge-deleting] ( )
CRsfwMountMan::~CRsfwMountMan [in-charge] ( )
CRsfwMountMan::~CRsfwMountMan [not-in-charge] ( )
TRsfwMountConfig::ExternalizeL RWriteStream& aStream ) const
TRsfwMountConfig::InternalizeL RReadStream& aStream )

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Generated on Fri Aug 12 12:23:04 2011 for rsfwmountman.dso by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.4  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API