Binary compatibility report for the usp10.dll library  between 1.0420.2600.5512-Windows SDK 5.0 and 1.0626.6002.18244-Windows SDK 6.0 versions on x86

Test Info

Library Nameusp10.dll
Version #11.0420.2600.5512-Windows SDK 5.0
Version #21.0626.6002.18244-Windows SDK 6.0
CPU Architecturex86

Test Results

Total Header Files1
Total Dynamic Libraries1
Total Symbols / Types31 / 95

Problem Summary

Added Symbols-9
Removed SymbolsHigh0
Problems with
Data Types
Problems with
Problems with

Added Symbols (9)

usp10.h, usp10.dll
ScriptGetFontAlternateGlyphs HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, OPENTYPE_TAG tagFeature, WORD wGlyphId, int cMaxAlternates, WORD* pAlternateGlyphs, int* pcAlternates )
ScriptGetFontFeatureTags HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, int cMaxTags, OPENTYPE_TAG* pFeatureTags, int* pcTags )
ScriptGetFontLanguageTags HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, int cMaxTags, OPENTYPE_TAG* pLangsysTags, int* pcTags )
ScriptGetFontScriptTags HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, int cMaxTags, OPENTYPE_TAG* pScriptTags, int* pcTags )
ScriptItemizeOpenType ( WCHAR const* pwcInChars, int cInChars, int cMaxItems, SCRIPT_CONTROL const* psControl, SCRIPT_STATE const* psState, SCRIPT_ITEM* pItems, OPENTYPE_TAG* pScriptTags, int* pcItems )
ScriptPlaceOpenType HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, int* rcRangeChars, TEXTRANGE_PROPERTIES** rpRangeProperties, int cRanges, WCHAR const* pwcChars, WORD* pwLogClust, SCRIPT_CHARPROP* pCharProps, int cChars, WORD const* pwGlyphs, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP const* pGlyphProps, int cGlyphs, int* piAdvance, GOFFSET* pGoffset, ABC* pABC )
ScriptPositionSingleGlyph HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, OPENTYPE_TAG tagFeature, LONG lParameter, WORD wGlyphId, int iAdvance, GOFFSET GOffset, int* piOutAdvance, GOFFSET* pOutGoffset )
ScriptShapeOpenType HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, int* rcRangeChars, TEXTRANGE_PROPERTIES** rpRangeProperties, int cRanges, WCHAR const* pwcChars, int cChars, int cMaxGlyphs, WORD* pwLogClust, SCRIPT_CHARPROP* pCharProps, WORD* pwOutGlyphs, SCRIPT_GLYPHPROP* pOutGlyphProps, int* pcGlyphs )
ScriptSubstituteSingleGlyph HDC hdc, SCRIPT_CACHE* psc, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, OPENTYPE_TAG tagScript, OPENTYPE_TAG tagLangSys, OPENTYPE_TAG tagFeature, LONG lParameter, WORD wGlyphId, WORD* pwOutGlyphId )

to the top

Problems with Data Types, Low Severity (1)

[+] struct tag_SCRIPT_CONTROL (1)

to the top

Header Files (1)


to the top

Dynamic Libraries (1)


to the top

Generated on Wed Aug 10 07:09:20 2011 for usp10.dll by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.4  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API