Public symbols in rstrtmgr.dll (6.0.6001.18000-Windows SDK 6.0) on x86
Total: 11

restartmanager.h, rstrtmgr.dll
RmAddFilter ( DWORD dwSessionHandle, LPCWSTR strModuleName, RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS* pProcess, LPCWSTR strServiceShortName, RM_FILTER_ACTION FilterAction )
RmCancelCurrentTask DWORD dwSessionHandle )
RmEndSession DWORD dwSessionHandle )
RmGetFilterList ( DWORD dwSessionHandle, PBYTE pbFilterBuf, DWORD cbFilterBuf, LPDWORD cbFilterBufNeeded )
RmGetList ( DWORD dwSessionHandle, UINT* pnProcInfoNeeded, UINT* pnProcInfo, RM_PROCESS_INFO* rgAffectedApps, LPDWORD lpdwRebootReasons )
RmJoinSession ( DWORD* pSessionHandle, WCHAR const* strSessionKey )
RmRegisterResources ( DWORD dwSessionHandle, UINT nFiles, LPCWSTR* rgsFileNames, UINT nApplications, RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS* rgApplications, UINT nServices, LPCWSTR* rgsServiceNames )
RmRemoveFilter ( DWORD dwSessionHandle, LPCWSTR strModuleName, RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS* pProcess, LPCWSTR strServiceShortName )
RmRestart ( DWORD dwSessionHandle, DWORD dwRestartFlags, RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK fnStatus )
RmShutdown ( DWORD dwSessionHandle, DWORD lActionFlags, RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK fnStatus )
RmStartSession ( DWORD* pSessionHandle, DWORD dwSessionFlags, WCHAR* strSessionKey )

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Generated on Wed Aug 10 06:59:59 2011 for rstrtmgr.dll by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.4  
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