Public symbols in tbs.dll (6.0.6001.18000-Windows SDK 6.0) on x86
Total: 5

tbs.h, tbs.dll
Tbsi_Context_Create ( TBS_CONTEXT_PARAMS const* pContextParams, TBS_HCONTEXT* phContext )
Tbsi_Physical_Presence_Command ( TBS_HCONTEXT hContext, BYTE const* pInputBuf, UINT32 InputBufLen, PBYTE pOutputBuf, PUINT32 pOutputBufLen )
Tbsip_Cancel_Commands TBS_HCONTEXT hContext )
Tbsip_Context_Close TBS_HCONTEXT hContext )
Tbsip_Submit_Command ( TBS_HCONTEXT hContext, TBS_COMMAND_LOCALITY Locality, TBS_COMMAND_PRIORITY Priority, BYTE const* pCommandBuf, UINT32 CommandBufLen, BYTE* pResultBuf, UINT32* pResultBufLen )

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Generated on Wed Aug 10 07:00:06 2011 for tbs.dll by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.4  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API