Public symbols in txfw32.dll (6.1.7600.16385-Windows SDK 7.1) on x86
Total: 9

txfw32.h, txfw32.dll
TxfGetThreadMiniVersionForCreate PUSHORT MiniVersion )
TxfLogCreateFileReadContext LPCWSTR LogPath, CLFS_LSN BeginningLsn, CLFS_LSN EndingLsn, PTXF_ID TxfFileId, PVOID* TxfLogContext )
TxfLogCreateRangeReadContext LPCWSTR LogPath, CLFS_LSN BeginningLsn, CLFS_LSN EndingLsn, PLARGE_INTEGER BeginningVirtualClock, PLARGE_INTEGER EndingVirtualClock, DWORD RecordTypeMask, PVOID* TxfLogContext )
TxfLogDestroyReadContext PVOID TxfLogContext )
TxfLogReadRecords ( PVOID TxfLogContext, DWORD BufferLength, PVOID Buffer, PULONG BytesUsed, PULONG RecordCount )
TxfLogRecordGetFileName ( PVOID RecordBuffer, DWORD RecordBufferLengthInBytes, PWSTR NameBuffer, PULONG NameBufferLengthInBytes, PTXF_ID TxfId )
TxfLogRecordGetGenericType ( PVOID RecordBuffer, DWORD RecordBufferLengthInBytes, PULONG GenericType, PLARGE_INTEGER VirtualClock )
TxfReadMetadataInfo ( HANDLE FileHandle, PTXF_ID TxfFileId, PCLFS_LSN LastLsn, PULONG TransactionState, PGUID LockingTransaction )
TxfSetThreadMiniVersionForCreate USHORT MiniVersion )

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Generated on Wed Aug 10 07:11:40 2011 for txfw32.dll by ABI Compliance Checker 1.93.4  
A tool for checking backward binary compatibility of a shared C/C++ library API