[ldv-project] HELP: missing compiled *.o.c files by CIF for some kernel drivers.

Evgeny Novikov novikov at ispras.ru
Fri Nov 15 16:35:16 MSK 2013

Hi MA,

first of all I am interested in whether you are using LDV Analytics 
Center (former stats-visualizer)? It can considerably help you in 
understanding both verification results and problems in LDV components.

On 11/09/2013 05:52 AM, Tu Pipa wrote:
> Hi,
> When running LDV , I can get the intermediate files generated by CIF( 
> e.g. *.aspect.i, *.c.instrumented, and *.o.c). And we find it useful 
> that the output *.o.c files can be slightly modified and then 
> exploited by our tools to verify the kernel drivers.
> However, some drivers cannot generate the *.o.c files in their 
> corresponding temp directorys. For example, when verify the driver 
> "drivers/mtd/lpddr" using the command:
>    " LDV_DEBUG=100 LDV_VIEW=Y time ldv-manager 
> envs=linux- drivers=drivers/mtd/lpddr 
> rule_models=32_7a kernel_driver=1 "
> I cannot get the *.o.c files while the other file (*.aspect.i and so 
> on) do exists in the dir 
> "current--x--drivers/mtd/lpddr--x--defaultlinux- / 
> linux- / csd_deg_dscv 
> /12/dscv_tempdir/dscv/ri/32_7a/drivers/mtd/lpddr".
> So, I don't know what's wrong about the missing *.o.c files.
Either in LDV Analytics Center or in log of LDV Tools you can find that 
Rule Instrumentor said:
   error: incompatible types when assigning to type 'struct mtd_info' 
from type 'struct mtd_info *'
LDV Analytics Center even will classify the problem as "DEG: return 
type" linking to http://forge.ispras.ru/issues/553. There you can find a 
problem description.
> Further more, for some drivers there can be many temp dirs named by 
> numbers in dir "/linux- / csd_deg_dscv", like 
> "linux- / csd_deg_dscv /12/", and "/13/", "/11/"... so what 
> do these number mean? These number has confused me for a long time. Is 
> it related to the problems I have just described above?
We also don't like these numbers. And this became one of many reasons to 
completely redesign LDV Tools. I hope that it will allow us to fix both 
problems you pointed this year. You will see corresponding notification 
in this list.
> Eager for your help. Thank you
> Best Regards,
> MA Lele
> Nov. 9th, 2013
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Best regards, Evgeny Novikov.
Linux Verification Center, ISPRAS
web: http://linuxtesting.org
e-mail: novikov at ispras.ru

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