[ldv-project] Launching Klever

Vadim Mutilin mutilin at ispras.ru
Fri Nov 9 13:00:25 MSK 2018


The message has moved me on the dark side, but I've dressed the build 
bases configuration smooth with cut file and managed to proceed.


On 08.11.2018 23:57, Evgeny Novikov wrote:
> I hope that the issue is gone.
> There is https://forge.ispras.ru/issues/9369 that will help to avoid 
> such the issues in future.
> -- 
> Evgeny Novikov
> Linux Verification Center, ISP RAS
> http://linuxtesting.org
> 08.11.2018, 13:17, "Vadim Mutilin" <mutilin at ispras.ru>:
>> Hi Ilia!
>> On 06.11.2018 18:50, Ilja Zakharov wrote:
>>> Dear Ahmet,
>>> As Evgeny Novikov promised (he is giving a talk at a conference), 
>>> below is the short guide for deploying and running the Klever 2.0 
>>> software verification framework.
>>> 1. Choose your favorite Ubuntu/Debian image. The instruction below 
>>> is prepared for Ubuntu 18 but it not strictly required.
>>> 2. Download and create a new desktop installation or virtual machine 
>>> with the system.  Don't forget about our hardware requirements 
>>> <https://klever.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deploy.html#hardware-requirements>!
>>> 3. Download our software verification framework:
>>> sudo apt-get install git
>>> git clone https://github.com/ldv-klever/klever.git
>>> 4. Then follow deployment steps 
>>> <https://klever.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deploy_local.html> for the 
>>> local deployment. In particular modify klever-minimal.json.sample 
>>> and save it as klever.json in $KLEVER_SRC/deployment/conf/ 
>>> directory. Also set environment variables to specify $KLEVER_SRC 
>>> directory with Klever source files and target installation directory 
>>> $KLEVER_DEPLOY_DIR. Then install Klever with the command:
>>> sudo $KLEVER_SRC/deploys/bin/deploy-local --deployment-directory 
>>> $KLEVER_DEPLOY_DIR install production
>>> 5. After Klever installation you can build the kernel and create 
>>> build base.
>>> Download the kernel:
>>> wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.x/linux-3.14.79.tar.gz
>>> tar -xf linux-3.14.79.tar.gz
>>> Install a suitable compiler:
>>> sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 10
>>> sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
>>> And choose 4.8 compiler there
>>> Prepare your PATH environment variable:
>>> export PATH=$KLEVER_DEPLOY_DIR/klever-addons/CIF/bin/:$PATH
>>> Then run the following commands. It will take a lot of time
>>> make allmodconfig
>>> clade-intercept make -j8 modules_prepare
>>> clade-intercept -a make -j8 all
>>> clade-all -p linux_kernel ./cmds.txt
>>> echo "[\"$(readlink -f .)\"]" > ./clade/Storage/working source 
>>> trees.json
>>> 6. Move this build base to another place. This is an optional step 
>>> but if you are going to build more bases in this directory then it 
>>> is better to do it. Note, then you need a new base for each new 
>>> configuration or kernel version.
>>> mv clade $NEW_PLACE/linux-3.14.79
>>> 7. Modify your deployment klever.json file in $KLEVER_DEPLOY_DIR and 
>>> add there a new section at the end of the file in the root JSON object:
>>> "Klever Build Bases": ["$NEW_PLACE/linux-3.14.79"]
>> Here I need to specify a version, how to do it?
>> Without version I get an error:
>>     2018-11-08 10:13:30 (utils.py:099) ERROR> Version is not
>>     specified for "Klever build bases"
>>     2018-11-08 10:13:30 (__init__.py:072) ERROR> Could not execute
>>     action "update" for Klever "production" (analyze error messages
>>     above for details)
>>> Instead of $NEW_PLACE set an absolute path to the directory with 
>>> your build base.
>>> 8 Update the Klever installation:
>>> sudo $KLEVER_SRC/deploys/bin/deploy-local --deployment-directory 
>>> $KLEVER_DEPLOY_DIR update production
>>> 9. Now you can run verification.
>>> Open localhost:8998 in the web browser.
>>> Input username: manager, password: manager.
>>> Click "Linux 3.14".
>>> Click Job->Edit or ->Copy and edit job.json and other files 
>>> depending on your needs.
>>> In the job.json set "build base": "linux-3.14.79" or an another name 
>>> if you named your build base differently.
>>> Before running any large target such as all modules first try to 
>>> verify modules given with the example.
>>> 10. Click Decision->Start.
>>> 11. Click "Start" or "Start with default values".
>>> 13. Wait for verification results. It can take very much time 
>>> especially if your hardware isn't powerful enough.
>>> If you will meet some issues, please, report them to us. We will try 
>>> to solve or workaround them together. Note also, that we renamed 
>>> some files, so there are some differences from the Klever-1.1 
>>> version in job files.
>>> Best,
>>> Ilia Zakharov
>> Best,
>> Vadim
>>> ср, 17 окт. 2018 г. в 10:40, Evgeny Novikov <novikov at ispras.ru 
>>> <mailto:novikov at ispras.ru>>:
>>>     Dear Ahmet,
>>>     Your primary question will not be resolved in Klever 2.0. So, I
>>>     will answer it.
>>>     In the deployment documentation you can find hardware
>>>     requirements
>>>     <https://klever.readthedocs.io/en/latest/deploy.html#hardware-requirements>.
>>>     I suggest that your VM does not meet them, so, you either should
>>>     empower it (I recommend this to get better verification results
>>>     faster) or use more advanced settings. At page
>>>     http://localhost:8998/service/schedulers/ you can find the
>>>     maximum amount of computer resources that Klever can spend for
>>>     solving verification jobs and verification tasks. In the file
>>>     you attached there are restrictions on computer resources just
>>>     for verification jobs. But verification tasks are solved during
>>>     solving verification jobs, so you should also take into account
>>>     maximum computer resources that are allowed for verification
>>>     tasks. Usually they are much more than ones for verification
>>>     jobs! These resources are specified within file "tasks.json" at
>>>     the job page, say, http://ldvdev:8998/jobs/5/. I hope that this
>>>     is enough for you to proceed.
>>>     For answering your second question it is definitely necessary to
>>>     wait for Klever 2.0 as it will be intended for verification of C
>>>     software rather than Klever 1.x that can verify just Linux
>>>     device drivers. But, please, do not expect that Klever 2.0 will
>>>     be able to verify some C program without additional efforts. Our
>>>     rich experience and preliminary experiments show that one will
>>>     need to develop a suitable configuration and specifications for
>>>     each type of programs while verification tools like CPAchecker
>>>     do not handle unfamiliar code well sometimes. If you are ready
>>>     to invest much time, you are welcome! We will be glad to hear
>>>     some notes and remarks from you.
>>>     -- 
>>>     Evgeny Novikov
>>>     Linux Verification Center, ISP RAS
>>>     http://linuxtesting.org <http://linuxtesting.org/>
>>>     17.10.2018, 09:12, "A. Celenk" <ahmet.celenk at procenne.com
>>>     <mailto:ahmet.celenk at procenne.com>>:
>>>>     Hello Evgeny,
>>>>     Thank you very much for Klever, and for your help. I will be
>>>>     eagerly waiting for 2.0 release. Till then, I may try to use
>>>>     the current version to learn some basics. Here is what I have done:
>>>>     I could reach the web interface and managed to login as
>>>>     manager, and played around a little bit. Considered the warning
>>>>     on the deployment tutorial about messing up the computer, I
>>>>     have installed Klever on a Ubuntu 18.04 VM. Being a VM, it has
>>>>     low resources. I have started the preset Linux 3.14 job with
>>>>     default configurations and got "Given resource limits for job
>>>>     and tasks in sum are too high, we do not have such amount of
>>>>     resources" error. Then I have checked out manual configuration
>>>>     and used "paranoid development" preset configuration, and
>>>>     lowered the resources as much as I can (see my attached
>>>>     configuration). Nevertheless I am still getting the same error
>>>>     and it fails.
>>>>     Here are my questions for the current release; if answers would
>>>>     greatly change for v2.0, just ignore these and I will be
>>>>     waiting for the new one:
>>>>         - Is it fine to use Klever in such a low-resourced VM? If
>>>>     so, what my configurations should be? If not, what are the
>>>>     minimum system requirements for Klever?
>>>>         - How do I upload a new job (e.g. just a single C file, or
>>>>     a project with makefile)?
>>>>     Thank you again,
>>>>     Regards,
>>>>     Ahmet
>>>>     On 16-10-2018 18:00, Evgeny Novikov wrote:
>>>>>     Also, I would like to inform you that in a couple of weeks we
>>>>>     will release Klever 2.0 that will change very many things
>>>>>     related with core functionalities. If you have time, then I
>>>>>     recommend to wait for this release and try it rather than a
>>>>>     version that will be deprecated soon.
>>>>>     16:08, 16 октября 2018 г., Evgeny Novikov <novikov at ispras.ru>
>>>>>     <mailto:novikov at ispras.ru>:
>>>>>         16.10.2018, 13:55, "Evgeny Novikov" <novikov at ispras.ru
>>>>>         <mailto:novikov at ispras.ru>>:
>>>>>>         Hello Ahmed,
>>>>>>         Your question is absolutely right. Klever lacks user
>>>>>>         documentation and I think that it will not have it in a
>>>>>>         near future. So, if you would like to proceed, most
>>>>>>         likely you will have many questions.
>>>>>>         You shouldn't run any script to start Klever if
>>>>>>         deployment was successful. You just need to open
>>>>>>         localhost:8998 in your web browser.
>>>>>         I forgot to mention that there are 3 users created in advance:
>>>>>           * The first one is Administrator (login: admin,
>>>>>             password: admin) that can change user privileges. Most
>>>>>             likely you will not need it unlike you are going to
>>>>>             create a multiuser setup.
>>>>>           * The second one is Manager (login: manager, password:
>>>>>             manager). This user can almost everything and you
>>>>>             should start with it!
>>>>>           * The third one is Service user that serves for internal
>>>>>             purposes.
>>>>>>         If you will have any other questions, please, ask us. We
>>>>>>         will be glad to get some feedback from you.
>>>>>>         -- 
>>>>>>         Evgeny Novikov
>>>>>>         Linux Verification Center, ISP RAS
>>>>>>         http://linuxtesting.org <http://linuxtesting.org/>
>>>>>>         16.10.2018, 11:14, "A. Celenk" <ahmet.celenk at procenne.com
>>>>>>         <mailto:ahmet.celenk at procenne.com>>:
>>>>>>>         Hello,
>>>>>>>         I will ask a dumb question: How do we run Klever? I've
>>>>>>>         completed the
>>>>>>>         deployment; but couldn't figure out which python script
>>>>>>>         (or some other
>>>>>>>         thing) should I run to start testing.
>>>>>>>         P.S: I've used example klever-minimal.json.sample as
>>>>>>>         configuration file.
>>>>>>>         Thanks a lot,
>>>>>>>         Ahmet Celenk
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