17-Feb-2012: Joint Workshop of Linux Verification Center and University of Passau

The Chair for Software Systems at University of Passau and Linux Verification Center have discussed future development of the configurable software verification platform CPAchecker and its integration into Linux Driver Verification toolset during the joint workshop that was held in Passau, Germany, on February 13-17, 2012.

Prof. Dr. Dirk Beyer and his team presented CPAchecker architecture and details of its implementation. It is worth to note that CPAchecker is one of the best verification tools according results of the 2012 International Competition on Software Verification (SVCOMP'12). Linux Verification Center team presented current results of CPAchecker as a verification engine of LDV toolset and described peculiarities of kernel space verification. As a result of the workshop, the joint plans for future improvement of CPAchecker have been agreed.