

Issue of the Standard # S0205


Declaration of __strdup() funnction is absent in string.h of LSB Software Development Kit (SDK)

Detailed Description

Declaration of function __strdup() that is described in 13.5. Interface Definitions for libc is absent in string.h of LSB Software Development Kit (SDK).
Besides, the declaration of this function is also absent in 13.4.47. string.h.

Problem location(s) in the standard

Linux Standard Base Core Specification 3.1, Chapter 13. Base Libraries, 13.4. Data Definitions for libc, 13.4.47. string.h; 13.5. Interface Definitions for libc.

Possible consequences

Compilation problem for POSIX-compliant applications when using LSB Software Development Kit (SDK).


LSB Bugzilla, 1374


Fixed in LSB 3.2
