

Issue of the Standard # S0384


Different types of the ‘protocol’ parameter in pmap_getport() and pmap_set() functions

Detailed Description

The type of the ‘protocol’ parameter in the pmap_getport() function is 'u_int':
u_short * pmap_getport(struct sockaddr_in * address, const u_long program, const u_long * version, u_int protocol); But the type for the same parameter in the pmap_set() function is 'int':
bool_t pmap_set(const u_long program, const u_long version, int protocol, u_short port);

Problem location(s) in the standard

Linux Standard Base Core Specification 3.1, Chapter 13. Base Libraries, 13.5. Interface Definitions for libc, the description of <nobr>pmap_getport()</nobr> and <nobr>pmap_set()</nobr> functions.


LSB Bugzilla, 1542
