

Issue of the Standard # S0449


Possible misprint in the declaration of wchar_t.

Detailed Description

In LSB 3.1 stddef.h (13.4. Data Definitions for libc, 13.4.44. stddef.h) wchar_t is defined as int:
typedef int wchar_t;
However, for gcc on RHEL4 (intel) wchar_t is defined as long int.
gcc compiles the example below without any messages, while lsb-cc compiles with the following error:
bbb.c:3: error: array of inappropriate type initialized from string constant
#include <stdio.h> wchar_t aaa[] = L"Hello, world!"; int main() { wprintf(L"%ls\n",aaa); return 0; }

Problem location(s) in the standard

Linux Standard Base Core Specification 3.1, Chapter 13. Base Libraries, 13.4. Data Definitions for libc, 13.4.44. stddef.h.


LSB Bugzilla, 1512


Fixed in LSB 3.2
