

Issue of the Standard # S0556


Lack of details in the description of error codes REG_EBRACE and REG_BADBR in case of extended regular expressions.

Detailed Description

The description of the regcomp() function defines “\{“ ”\}” braces imbalance as an error for basic regular expressions. It says nothing about “{“ ”}” imbalance for extended.
The description of the regcomp() function defines content of "\{" "\}" invalid as an error for basic regular expressions. It says nothing about content of "{" "}" for extended.

Problem location(s) in the standard

The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6 IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition (SUS 3.0), Chapter 9. Regular Expressions, the description of the regcomp() function.

Possible solutions

Define if braces imbalance is an error for extended regular expressions or not.
Define if content of "{" "}" invalid is an error for extended regular expressions or not.
