Issue of the Implementation # S0591
The function FcConfigUptoDate returns FcTrue, though it should return FcFalse
Detailed Description
The description of the function FcConfigUptoDate states: "Checks all of the files related to config and returns whether the in-memory version is in sync with the disk version". So, when the in-memory version of the configuration is changed the function should return FcFalse.
However, the implementation of the function FcConfigUptoDate returns FcTrue in this condition.
Problem location(s) in the standard
Fontconfig Developers Reference, Version 2.4.2
FcConfig *fc; int fc_ri; FcBool b1, b2; if (!(fc = FcConfigGetCurrent ())) { printf ("Could not get current config\n"); } b1 = FcConfigUptoDate (fc); fc_ri = FcConfigGetRescanInverval (fc); if (FcConfigSetRescanInverval(fc, ++fc_ri) != FcTrue) { printf ("FcConfigSetRescanInverval failed\n"); } b2 = FcConfigUptoDate (fc); /* * Checks all of the files related to config and returns whether the * in-memory version is in sync with the disk version */ // b1 should be FcTrue and b2 should be FcFalse;
fontconfig 2.2.3 or later
Accepted Bugzilla 12948
Fixed in fontconfig 2.5.0