

Issue of the Implementation # S0598


The function FcConfigGetCache returns a null pointer

Detailed Description

The description of the function FcConfigGetCache states: "Returns the name of the file used to store per-user font information". But it returns a null pointer, while it should return the name of the cache file.

Problem location(s) in the standard

Fontconfig Developers Reference, Version 2.4.2


    FcConfig        *fc;
    FcChar8         *s;
    if (!(fc = FcConfigGetCurrent ()))
        printf ("Could not get current config\n");
    s = FcConfigGetCache (fc);
    printf ( "FcConfigGetCache returned %s\n", s );

     * Returns the name of the file used to store per-user font information
     * The function returned the null value instead of the file name 


fontconfig 2.4.1 or later

Accepted Bugzilla 12991
