

Issue of the Implementation # S0626


GdkPixbuf-WARNING: Bug! gdk_pixbuf loader 'ani' didn't set error on failure

Detailed Description

If one tries to load a corrupted ani-file as an animated image, the following warning is displayed:
GdkPixbuf-WARNING: Bug! gdk_pixbuf loader 'ani' didn't set error on failure

This message means that the loader itself did not set error (GError) properly, although the corresponding function of this loader returned NULL. Instead, the error was set by a wrapper function from gdk-pixbuf that called this loader's function.

An example of such corrupted animation file can be found here.

NB> "Microangelo", a program, normally woking fine with ani-files, reports an error and aborts when trying to open a file like this.

Problem location(s) in the standard

Gdk-pixbuf 2.6.2 API Reference, Animations


gtk-gdk-pixbuf 2.6.2 or later


Gnome Bugzilla 517195


Fixed in gtk-gdk-pixbuf-2.29.1
