

Issue of the Implementation # S0639


"ico" - images that have the following format:"1bpp, 1bit - alpha, 2-slot - palette" - are loaded incorrectly

Detailed Description

"ico" - images that have the following format:"1bpp, 1bit - alpha, 2-slot - palette" are loaded incorrectly with gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file. One can create such images using GIMP, for example.

The code revealing the problem and a sample image can be found here. A purple square is loaded as a black one in this case.

NB> GIMP loads and displays images like this correctly, however some other programs do not (e.g. IrfanView). Perhaps the problem could be in the way the images are saved in this format or in the format itself.

Problem location(s) in the standard

Gdk-pixbuf 2.6.2 API Reference, File Loading


gtk-gdk-pixbuf 2.6.2 or later
