Problems in Standards

This section contains remarks on the text versions of Linux standards. All the issues reported here have been found during requirements formalization in the OLVER and LSB Infrastructure projects. We have defined the following life cycle for each potential issue.

  • Initial problem detection during standard formalization.
  • Problem formulation and registration in the internal problem tracking system.
  • Periodical collective analysis of the validity and importance of registered problems.
  • Reporting all approved issues to the appropriate standard bodies.
  • Standard bodies decide whether to incorporate any changes in the standards or not.

Click on a problem number for detailed description. Click on a column header to change the sorting order.

No. Type Brief Added on Accepted Status
S0335 Misprint Misprint in the description of the functions redrawwin(), wredrawln(). 2006-10-17
S0298 Misprint Misprint in the description of the overlay(), overwrite() functions. 2006-10-04
S0300 Inaccuracy Whether mvinsnstr(), mvinsstr(), mvwinsnstr(), mvwinsstr() perform wrapping. 2006-07-14