

Issue of the Standard # D0075


Misprint in the description of the interface g_type_class_add_private

Detailed Description

Duplicated word "and" in the description of the interface g_type_class_add_private.

Problem location(s) in the standard

Linux Standard Base Desktop Specification 3.1, Chapter 12. Libraries, 12.5.1 glib-2.0/glib-object.h that refers

Possible solutions

Replace the sentence: Registers a private structure for a instantiatable type; when an object is allocated, the private structures for the type and and all of its parent types are allocated in the same memory block as the public structures. with the following one: Registers a private structure for a instantiatable type; when an object is allocated, the private structures for the type and all of its parent types are allocated in the same memory block as the public structures.


Gnome Bugzilla 528715


Fixed in glib 2.18
