Issue of the Standard # S0584
No information about returned value of many fontconfig functions
Detailed Description
There is no information about returned value of many functions from the fontconfig, while it is not really clear what should they return. The list of the functions is as follows:
- FcFontSetAdd
- FcObjectSetAdd
- FcNameRegisterObjectTypes
- FcNameUnregisterObjectTypes
- FcNameRegisterConstants
- FcNameUnregisterConstants
- FcConfigParseAndLoad
- FcConfigSubstitute
- FcConfigSubstituteWithPat
- FcConfigAppFontAddDir
- FcConfigAppFontAddFile
- FcConfigSetRescanInverval
- FcInitReinitialize
- FcInitBringUptoDate
- FcAtomicReplaceOrig
- FcFileScan
- FcDirScan
- FcDirSave
Problem location(s) in the standard
Fontconfig Developers Reference, Version 2.4.2
Accepted Bugzilla 13145
Fixed in fontconfig 2.4.0